Drive Team Excellence with SailPoint Corporate Training

Empower your teams with expert-led on-site/in-house or virtual/online SailPoint Training through Edstellar, a premier SailPoint training company for organizations globally. Our customized training program equips your employees with the skills, knowledge, and cutting-edge tools needed for success. Designed to meet your specific training needs, this SailPoint group training program ensures your team is primed to drive your business goals. Transform your workforce into a beacon of productivity and efficiency.

SailPoint is a leading identity governance platform that helps organizations efficiently manage user access and permissions across their IT infrastructure. Organizations can streamline user provisioning, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, mitigate security risks, and improve operational efficiency. Firms rely on SailPoint training to provide centralized visibility and control over user identities and access privileges.

Edstellar's SailPoint instructor-led training course can be customized to address specific business needs. This virtual/onsite SailPoint training course enables organizations to maximize the value of their SailPoint investments and achieve tremendous success in identity governance initiatives.

Key Skills Employees Gain from SailPoint Training

SailPoint skills corporate training will enable teams to effectively apply their learnings at work.

  • Identity Governance
  • User Lifecycle Management
  • Provisioning and Access Management
  • Custom Report Development
  • Risk Scoring Mechanisms
  • Access Policy Enforcement

Key Learning Outcomes of SailPoint Training Workshop

Edstellar’s SailPoint training will not only help your teams to acquire fundamental skills but also attain invaluable learning outcomes, enhancing their proficiency and enabling application of knowledge in a professional environment. By completing our SailPoint workshop, teams will to master essential SailPoint and also focus on introducing key concepts and principles related to SailPoint at work.

Employees who complete SailPoint training will be able to:

  • Apply identity governance principles to ensure compliance
  • Configure and manage user lifecycles effectively
  • Implement provisioning and access management workflows
  • Develop custom reports for auditing and compliance purposes
  • Utilize risk scoring mechanisms to prioritize security measures
  • Define and enforce access policies to mitigate security risks
  • Manage user groups and populations efficiently
  • Implement password management solutions for enhanced security

Key Benefits of the SailPoint Corporate Training

Attending our SailPoint classes tailored for corporations offers numerous advantages. Through our on-site/in-house or virtual/online SailPoint training classes, participants will gain confidence and comprehensive insights, enhance their skills, and gain a deeper understanding of SailPoint.

  • Equips the teams with techniques for effective identity governance and administration
  • Empowers professionals with the required skills in user provisioning and access management
  • Develops proficiency of teams in configuring workflows and business processes
  • Provides teams with the insights into risk scoring and policy definition
  • Instills ideas in professionals for custom report development and customization

Topics and Outline of SailPoint Training

Our virtual and on-premise SailPoint training curriculum is divided into multiple modules designed by industry experts. This SailPoint training for organizations provides an interactive learning experience focused on the dynamic demands of the field, making it relevant and practical.

  1. Understanding identity governance
    • Importance of identity governance in modern organizations
    • Role of identity governance in security and compliance
  2. Overview of SailPoint solutions
    • SailPoint IdentityIQ features and functionalities
    • Benefits of implementing SailPoint in organizations
  3. Importance of identity management in organizations
    • Challenges faced by organizations in managing identities and access
    • Role of identity management in mitigating security risks and ensuring compliance
  1. Installing SailPoint
    • System requirements and prerequisites for SailPoint installation
    • Step-by-step installation process for SailPoint IdentityIQ
  2. Configuring system settings
    • Customizing system configurations according to organizational requirements
    • Optimizing system performance and scalability
  3. Integrating SailPoint with existing infrastructure
    • Integration options and best practices for integrating SailPoint with other IT systems
    • Configuring connectors for seamless integration with identity sources and applications
  1. Defining lifecycle stages
    • Understanding different stages of user lifecycle management
    • Defining custom lifecycle stages based on organizational requirements
  2. Configuring lifecycle policies
    • Creating and configuring automated lifecycle policies for user provisioning and deprovisioning
    • Setting up approval workflows and escalation processes for lifecycle events
  3. Managing user lifecycle events
    • Monitoring and managing user lifecycle events in SailPoint IdentityIQ
    • Troubleshooting common issues related to user lifecycle management
  1. Adding applications to SailPoint
    • Configuring application connectors for integrating applications with SailPoint IdentityIQ
    • Defining application attributes and mappings for user provisioning and access management
  2. Configuring application integration options
    • Configuring single sign-on (SSO) and provisioning options for applications
    • Implementing application access policies and entitlements within SailPoint
  3. Managing application access
    • Monitoring and auditing application access and entitlements
    • Troubleshooting access issues and performing access reviews for applications
  1. Customizing user dashboards
    • Adding and arranging QuickLinks for easy access to frequently used features
    • Personalizing dashboard layouts based on user roles and preferences
  2. Configuring QuickLink access
    • Setting permissions and access controls for QuickLinks
    • Restricting access to sensitive or admin-only features
  3. Tailoring QuickLinks for user roles
    • Customizing QuickLink sets for different user groups or departments
    • Assigning relevant QuickLinks based on job functions or responsibilities
  1. Managing audit trail settings
    • Configuring logging levels and retention policies for audit logs
    • Enabling auditing for specific system activities and events
  2. Configuring activity monitoring
    • Setting up real-time monitoring and alerting for critical system activities
    • Monitoring user actions and access changes for security and compliance purposes
  3. Monitoring user activities
    • Tracking user login/logout events, session activities, and access requests
    • Analyzing user behavior and access patterns to identify anomalies or security threats
  1. Customizing email notifications
    • Creating and modifying email templates for various system notifications and alerts
    • Personalizing email content and formatting based on organizational branding guidelines
  2. Managing email template settings
    • Configuring email delivery settings, including recipients, frequency, and delivery channels
    • Setting up automated email notifications for specific events or actions
  3. Configuring email alerts for events
    • Defining triggers and conditions for sending email alerts
    • Configuring escalation rules and notification thresholds for critical events
  1. Implementing data encryption policies
    • Defining encryption algorithms and key management strategies
    • Configuring encryption settings for sensitive data fields and repositories
  2. Managing encryption keys
    • Generating, storing, and rotating encryption keys securely
    • Monitoring key usage and auditing encryption key activities
  3. Securing sensitive data
    • Identifying and classifying sensitive data assets
    • Enforcing encryption policies to protect data at rest and in transit
  1. Configuring provisioning workflows
    • Designing automated provisioning processes for user onboarding and offboarding
    • Mapping user attributes to target systems and applications for provisioning
  2. Managing provisioning policies
    • Defining access provisioning rules and entitlements based on roles and responsibilities
    • Implementing approval workflows and access certification processes for provisioning
  3. Automating user provisioning processes
    • Setting up scheduled tasks and event triggers for automated provisioning actions
    • Monitoring provisioning activities and troubleshooting provisioning errors
  1. Understanding BPM concepts
    • Overview of business process management principles and methodologies
    • Importance of BPM in optimizing organizational workflows and operations
  2. Implementing business processes
    • Designing and modeling business processes using BPMN notation
    • Automating business workflows and tasks for efficiency and consistency
  3. Streamlining business operations
    • Identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in business processes
    • Improving process performance through continuous monitoring and optimization
  1. Introduction to workflow configuration
    • Understanding workflow components and terminology
    • Overview of workflow design considerations and best practices
  2. Workflow design best practices
    • Designing efficient and scalable workflows for common business scenarios
    • Incorporating error handling and exception handling mechanisms into workflows
  3. Workflow execution and monitoring
    • Deploying workflows into production environments
    • Monitoring workflow execution and performance metrics
    • Troubleshooting workflow errors and issues
  1. Navigating the Business Process Editor interface
    • Overview of the Business Process Editor features and capabilities
    • Understanding the layout and functionality of the Business Process Editor workspace
  2. Creating and editing workflow processes
    • Building workflow diagrams using drag-and-drop interface
    • Configuring workflow steps, transitions, and decision points
  3. Configuring workflow triggers and actions
    • Defining event triggers and conditions for workflow execution
    • Configuring actions and notifications to be triggered by workflow events
  1. Advanced workflow configuration techniques
    • Editing workflow XML files directly for advanced customization
    • Understanding the structure and syntax of workflow XML files
  2. Modifying workflow XML files
    • Making changes to workflow definitions, transitions, and properties using XML editors
    • Applying changes to workflow XML files and deploying them to production environments
  3. Customizing workflow behavior
    • Implementing custom logic and rules using workflow XML scripting language
    • Extending workflow functionality through custom plugins and integrations
  1. Implementing conditional workflow logic
    • Configuring conditional statements and branching logic in workflows
    • Handling complex workflow scenarios based on dynamic conditions
  2. Handling exception scenarios
    • Defining error handling mechanisms and exception paths in workflows
    • Implementing retry mechanisms and fallback options for failed workflow steps
  3. Optimizing workflow performance
    • Analyzing and optimizing workflow execution times and resource utilization
    • Scaling workflows to handle increased workload and user concurrency
  1. Designing custom forms
    • Creating user-friendly forms for collecting input and data submission
    • Customizing form layouts, fields, and validation rules
  2. Integrating forms with workflows
    • Embedding forms within workflow processes for data collection and user interaction
    • Configuring form submissions and responses to trigger workflow actions
  3. Collecting user input efficiently
    • Implementing form submission methods and data capture techniques
    • Streamlining form completion and submission processes for end users
  1. Defining risk scoring models
    • Identifying risk factors and criteria for assessing security and compliance risks
    • Designing risk scoring algorithms and formulas based on organizational requirements
  2. Configuring risk calculation parameters
    • Setting up risk scoring thresholds and weighting factors for risk assessment
    • Adjusting risk calculation parameters based on risk tolerance and severity levels
  3. Assessing and mitigating risks
    • Analyzing risk scores and identifying high-risk areas for remediation
    • Implementing risk mitigation strategies and controls to reduce exposure to threats
  1. Implementing data partitioning strategies
    • Segmenting data based on organizational units, departments, or business units
    • Defining partitioning rules and access controls to restrict data access
  2. Managing data access controls
    • Configuring role-based access controls (RBAC) for data partitions
    • Enforcing data segregation and access restrictions to protect sensitive information
  3. Securing data segregation
    • Implementing encryption and masking techniques to secure partitioned data
    • Monitoring and auditing data access within partitions for compliance purposes
  1. Managing task assignments
    • Assigning tasks to users or groups based on role or responsibility
    • Tracking task progress and status updates
  2. Automating task execution
    • Configuring automated workflows and triggers for task creation and assignment
    • Streamlining task management processes through workflow automation
  3. Monitoring task progress
    • Tracking task completion rates and deadlines
    • Generating task reports and performance metrics for analysis and optimization
  1. Designing role-based access controls
    • Defining roles and permissions based on job functions and responsibilities
    • Mapping user roles to access privileges and entitlements within the organization
  2. Assigning and revoking roles
    • Managing role assignments and permissions assignments for users and groups
    • Revoking access rights and permissions when roles change or users leave the organization
  3. Role-based access review
    • Conducting regular access reviews and audits to ensure role-based access controls are effective
    • Identifying and remedying access violations or unauthorized access attempts
  1. Creating access control policies
    • Defining policies to govern user access and permissions based on organizational requirements
    • Establishing policy enforcement rules and conditions for access requests and approvals
  2. Configuring policy enforcement rules
    • Implementing policy-based access controls (PBAC) to enforce compliance with security policies
    • Setting up policy evaluation criteria and decision-making criteria for access requests
  3. Enforcing compliance policies
    • Monitoring policy violations and non-compliance incidents
    • Implementing remediation measures and enforcement actions to address policy violations
  1. Monitoring and resolving work items
    • Tracking work items and tasks assigned to users or groups
    • Resolving work item issues and addressing task dependencies
  2. Implementing work item escalation processes
    • Defining escalation rules and thresholds for unresolved work items
    • Automating escalation notifications and routing for timely resolution
  3. Streamlining work item management
    • Optimizing work item workflows and processes for efficiency
    • Analyzing work item metrics and performance indicators for continuous improvement
  1. Navigating the IdentityIQ Console interface
    • Understanding the layout and navigation structure of the IdentityIQ Console
    • Accessing and managing system configuration settings and administrative tools
  2. Managing system configuration settings
    • Configuring system-wide settings and preferences
    • Customizing user interface elements and preferences for administrators
  3. Administering user access and permissions
    • Managing user accounts, roles, and permissions within the IdentityIQ Console
    • Performing user provisioning, deprovisioning, and access reviews
  1. Understanding reporting requirements
    • Identifying the types of reports needed for monitoring and auditing purposes
    • Assessing the frequency and scope of reporting needed by stakeholders
  2. Overview of built-in reports
    • Exploring pre-defined reports available in IdentityIQ for common use cases
    • Understanding the structure and content of standard reports provided by the system
  3. Importance of reporting in identity governance
    • Highlighting the role of reports in providing visibility into identity and access management activities
    • Discussing the significance of reporting for compliance, risk management, and decision-making processes
  1. Generating standard reports
    • Running and scheduling pre-defined reports to gather relevant information
    • Filtering and sorting report data to meet specific requirements
  2. Customizing report templates
    • Modifying report layouts, formats, and visualizations to enhance readability and usability
    • Adding custom fields, calculations, and branding elements to reports
  3. Scheduling and distributing reports
    • Setting up automated report generation and distribution schedules
    • Configuring report delivery options, such as email notifications and file exports
  1. Building custom report queries
    • Writing SQL queries or using report builder tools to retrieve data from the database
    • Specifying data filters, joins, and aggregation functions to tailor report results
  2. Designing custom report layouts
    • Creating visually appealing and informative report templates using reporting tools
    • Incorporating charts, graphs, and tables to present data in a meaningful way
  3. Integrating custom reports with dashboards
    • Embedding custom reports into IdentityIQ dashboards for easy access and analysis
    • Linking custom reports to related workflows or business processes for contextual insights
  1. Managing user groups and populations
    • Creating, editing, and deleting user groups and populations in IdentityIQ
    • Assigning users to groups and populations for access management purposes
  2. Configuring group membership rules
    • Defining criteria and conditions for group membership and membership expiration
    • Automating group membership management through rules and policies
  3. Segmenting user populations
    • Organizing users into logical segments based on attributes, roles, or organizational units
    • Utilizing user populations for targeted access provisioning and entitlement management
  1. Understanding group hierarchy
    • Exploring hierarchical relationships between parent and child groups
    • Utilizing group nesting and inheritance for efficient access management
  2. Group membership management
    • Adding and removing users from groups
    • Managing group memberships dynamically through automated processes
  3. Group-based access control
    • Enforcing access controls based on group membership and group permissions
    • Implementing role-based access control (RBAC) through group constructs
  1. Implementing collaborative workspaces
    • Creating workgroups for cross-functional team collaboration and project management
    • Configuring workgroup settings, permissions, and access controls
  2. Managing workgroup membership
    • Inviting users to join workgroups and managing membership requests
    • Assigning roles and responsibilities within workgroups for task delegation
  3. Facilitating team collaboration
    • Providing tools and features for communication, document sharing, and task coordination within workgroups
    • Monitoring workgroup activities and progress to ensure project success
  1. Configuring population definitions
    • Defining population criteria based on user attributes, roles, or organizational attributes
    • Creating dynamic populations that automatically update based on predefined criteria
  2. Managing population membership
    • Adding and removing users from populations based on eligibility criteria
    • Automating population membership management through scheduled tasks and workflows
  3. Segmenting user populations
    • Organizing users into logical segments for targeted access management and reporting purposes
    • Utilizing population-based access controls for fine-grained permissions management
  1. Implementing password policies
    • Defining password complexity requirements, expiration policies, and reset rules
    • Configuring password strength validation and enforcement mechanisms
  2. Integrating password management with applications
    • Synchronizing user passwords across multiple applications and systems
    • Implementing single sign-on (SSO) solutions for seamless password authentication
  3. Password policy enforcement
    • Enforcing password policies through IdentityIQ's password management features
    • Auditing password-related activities and enforcing compliance with security standards
  1. Enforcing password policies
    • Configuring password policies to meet security and compliance requirements
    • Enforcing password complexity, expiration, and history requirements
  2. Configuring password reset workflows
    • Designing and implementing self-service password reset processes for end users
    • Configuring multi-factor authentication (MFA) options for enhanced password security
  3. Password management best practices
    • Educating users on password security best practices and awareness
    • Providing training and resources for secure password management and storage

Target Audience for SailPoint Training Course

The SailPoint training course is ideal for IT administrators, system architects, security analysts, compliance officers, and identity governance managers.

The SailPoint training program can also be taken by professionals at various levels in the organization.

  • SailPoint training for managers
  • SailPoint training for staff
  • SailPoint training for leaders
  • SailPoint training for executives
  • SailPoint training for workers
  • SailPoint training for businesses
  • SailPoint training for beginners
  • SailPoint group training
  • SailPoint training for teams
  • SailPoint short course

Prerequisites for SailPoint Training

Professionals who have a basic understanding of identity management concepts and familiarity with IT systems and terminology can take the SailPoint training.

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Corporate Training Delivery Modes
for SailPoint Training

At Edstellar, we understand the importance of impactful and engaging training for employees. To ensure the training is more interactive, we offer Face-to-Face onsite/in-house or virtual/online for companies. This approach has proven to be effective, outcome-oriented, and produces a well-rounded training experience for your teams.

 Virtual trainig

Our virtual training sessions bring expert-led, high-quality training to your teams anywhere, ensuring consistency and seamless integration into their schedules.

With global reach, your employees can get trained from various locations
The consistent training quality ensures uniform learning outcomes
Participants can attend training in their own space without the need for traveling
Organizations can scale learning by accommodating large groups of participants
Interactive tools can be used to enhance learning engagement
 On-site trainig

Edstellar's onsite training delivers immersive and insightful learning experiences right in the comfort of your office.

Higher engagement and better learning experience through face-to-face interaction
Workplace environment can be tailored to learning requirements
Team collaboration and knowledge sharing improves training effectiveness
Demonstration of processes for hands-on learning and better understanding
Participants can get their doubts clarified and gain valuable insights through direct interaction
 Off-site trainig

Edstellar's off-site training programs offer a unique opportunity for teams to immerse themselves in focused and dynamic learning environments away from their usual workplace distractions.

Distraction-free environment improves learning engagement
Team bonding can be improved through activities
Dedicated schedule for training away from office set up can improve learning effectiveness
Boosts employee morale and reflects organization's commitment to employee development

Explore Our Customized Pricing Package
SailPoint Corporate Training

Elevate your team's performance with our customized SailPoint training. Find transparent pricing options to match your training needs. Start maximizing your team's potential now.

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        125 licences

        Tailor-Made Licenses with Our Exclusive Training Packages!

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        64 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

        Tailored for SMBs

        350 licences

        Tailor-Made Licenses with Our Exclusive Training Packages!

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        160 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

        Ideal for growing SMBs

        900 licences

        Tailor-Made Licenses with Our Exclusive Training Packages!

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        400 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

        Designed for large corporations

        Unlimited licenses

        Tailor-Made Licenses with Our Exclusive Training Packages!

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        Unlimited duration

        Designed for large corporations

        Edstellar: Your Go-to SailPoint Training Company

        Experienced Trainers

        Our trainers bring years of industry expertise to ensure the training is practical and impactful.

        Quality Training

        With a strong track record of delivering training worldwide, Edstellar maintains its reputation for its quality and training engagement.

        Industry-Relevant Curriculum

        Our course is designed by experts and is tailored to meet the demands of the current industry.

        Customizable Training

        Our course can be customized to meet the unique needs and goals of your organization.

        Comprehensive Support

        We provide pre and post training support to your organization to ensure a complete learning experience.

        Multilingual Training Capabilities

        We offer training in multiple languages to cater to diverse and global teams.


        What Our Clients Say

        We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional training solutions. Here's what our clients have to say about their experiences with Edstellar.

        "Edstellar's IT Service Management training has been transformative. Our IT teams have seen significant improvements through multiple courses delivered at our office by expert trainers. Excellent feedback has prompted us to extend the training to other teams."

        Liam Anderson
        HR Head,
        A Global Technology Company

        "Edstellar's quality and process improvement training courses have been fantastic for our team of quality engineers, process engineers and production managers. It’s helped us improve quality and streamline manufacturing processes. Looking ahead, we’re excited about taking advanced courses in quality management, and project management, to keep improving in the upcoming months."

        David Park
        Operational Manager,
        A Global High-Tech Engineering and Manufacturing Company

        "Partnering with Edstellar for web development training was crucial for our project requirements. The training has equipped our developers with the necessary skills to excel in these technologies. We're excited about the improved productivity and quality in our projects and plan to continue with advanced courses."

        Carlos Fernandez
        Technical lead,
        Global e-Learning Company

        "Partnering with Edstellar for onsite ITSM training courses was transformative. The training was taken by around 80 IT service managers, project managers, and operations managers, over 6 months. This has significantly improved our service delivery and standardized our processes. We’ve planned the future training sessions with the company."

        Ewan MacLeod
        IT Director,
        Innovative IT Company

        "Partnering with Edstellar for onsite training has made a major impact on our team. Our team, including quality assurance, customer support, and finance professionals have greatly benefited. We've completed three training sessions, and Edstellar has proven to be a reliable training partner. We're excited for future sessions."

        Rajesh Mehta
        Operational Manager,
        Sustainable Mobility Company

        "Edstellar's online training on quality management was excellent for our quality engineers and plant managers. The scheduling and coordination of training sessions was smooth. The skills gained have been successfully implemented at our plant, enhancing our operations. We're looking forward to future training sessions."

        David Harris
        Head of Quality Assurance,
        Leading IT Services Company

        "Edstellar's online AI and Robotics training was fantastic for our 15 engineers and technical specialists. The expert trainers and flexible scheduling across different time zones were perfect for our global team. We're thrilled with the results and look forward to future sessions."

        John Smith
        Head of Technology Development,
        Defense Technology Company

        "Edstellar's onsite process improvement training was fantastic for our team of 20 members, including managers from manufacturing, and supply chain management. The innovative approach, and comprehensive case studies with real-life examples were highly appreciated. We're excited about the skills gained and look forward to future training."

        James Carter
        Head of Operations,
        Global Food Company

        "Edstellar's professional development training courses were fantastic for our 50+ team members, including developers, project managers, and consultants. The multiple online sessions delivered over several months were well-coordinated, and the trainer's methodologies were highly effective. We're excited to continue our annual training with Edstellar."

        John Davis
        Head of Training and Development,
        Leading Tech Consultancy

        "Edstellar's IT service management training for our 30 team members, including IT managers, support staff, and network engineers, was outstanding. The onsite sessions conducted over three months were well-organized, and it helped our team take the exams. We are happy about the training and look forward to future collaborations."

        John Roberts
        Head of IT Operations,
        Leading Broadband Provider

        "Edstellar's office productivity training for our 40+ executives, including project managers and business analysts, was exceptional. The onsite sessions were well-organized, teaching effective tool use with practical approaches and relevant case studies. Everyone was delighted with the training, and we're eager for more future sessions."

        Andrew Scott
        Head of Training and Development,
        Leading Real Estate Firm

        "Edstellar's quality management training over 8 months for our 15+ engineers and quality control specialists was outstanding. The courses addressed our need for improved diagnostic solutions, and the online sessions were well-organized and effectively managed. We're thrilled with the results and look forward to more."

        Olivia Martin
        Head of Quality Assurance,
        Innovative Diagnostics Solutions Provider

        "Edstellar's digital marketing training for our small team of 10, including content writers, SEO analysts, and digital marketers, was exactly what we needed. The courses delivered over a few months addressed our SEO needs, and the online sessions were well-managed. We're very happy with the results and look forward to more."

        Emily Brown
        Head of Digital Marketing,
        Leading Market Research Firm

        "Edstellar's telecommunications training was perfect for our small team of 12 network engineers and system architects. The multiple online courses delivered over a few months addressed our needs for network optimization and cloud deployment. The training was well-managed, and the case studies were very insightful. We're thrilled with the outcome."

        Matthew Lee
        Head of Network Services,
        Leading Telecom Solutions Provider

        "Edstellar's professional development training was fantastic for our 50+ participants, including team leaders, analysts, and support staff. Over several months, multiple courses were well-managed and delivered as per the plan. The trainers effectively explained topics with insightful case studies and exercises. We're happy with the training and look forward to more."

        Sarah Mitchell
        Head of Training and Development,
        Leading Outsourcing Firm

        Course Completion Certificate

        Upon successful completion of the SailPoint training course offered by Edstellar, employees receive a course completion certificate, symbolizing their dedication to ongoing learning and professional development.

        This certificate validates the employee's acquired skills and is a powerful motivator, inspiring them to enhance their expertise further and contribute effectively to organizational success.

        Course Completion Certificate

        We have Expert Trainers to Meet Your SailPoint Training Needs

        The instructor-led training is conducted by certified trainers with extensive expertise in the field. Participants will benefit from the instructor's vast knowledge, gaining valuable insights and practical skills essential for success in Access practices.

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