Guide to Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Guide to Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Workforce Optimization

Guide to Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

8 mins read

Guide to Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Updated On Sep 18, 2023

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Recent surveys by McKinsey Global Survey reveal a pressing issue: 68% of CEOs believe skill gaps hinder innovation, even though companies spend over $130 billion on training annually. Yet, 47% can't address crucial skill deficits. Why? Many dive into training without truly understanding their workforce's needs, leading to wasted resources and waning employee morale.

How can companies ensure training investments genuinely bridge these skill gaps?

The answer lies in a strategic Training Needs Analysis (TNA). This guide illuminates TNA's vital role in aligning training efforts with actual needs, ensuring businesses remain competitive and forward-focused.

What is Training Needs Analysis (TNA)?

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a systematic approach organizations use to pinpoint employee training needs to enhance performance and meet business goals. It is essential for effective training programs and aligning them with evolving business demands.

The TNA process begins by defining its objectives and scope. Data is then collected from various sources involving employees across levels, like surveys, interviews, and observations. Analyzing this data reveals gaps between current and desired performance, highlighting key training priorities.

Based on identified needs, specific training objectives are formulated. These guide the creation of the training program, dictating content, methods, and delivery modes. After implementation, the program's effectiveness is assessed through feedback, performance reviews, and post-training evaluations, paving the way for improvements in subsequent training.

Why do Organizations Need Training Needs Analysis?

Why do Organizations Need Training Needs Analysis?
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After understanding the foundational concept of Training Needs Analysis (TNA), one might wonder about its significance in the organizational landscape. Why is such an analysis indispensable to businesses today?

This transition paves the way for the following section, which elaborates on the importance and relevance of TNA in organizations.

  1. Align Training with Business Goals: TNA ensures that training programs directly support an organization's strategic goals. Organizations can tailor training initiatives to drive business results by identifying specific areas of improvement.
  2. Maximize Return on Investment (ROI): Random or generic training initiatives often waste resources. Training needs analysis allows organizations to channel their investments into targeted training that yields tangible benefits, ensuring a better ROI.
  3. Identify Knowledge Gap: By pinpointing the exact skills or knowledge gaps, training needs analysis facilitates the design of training that caters to employees' specific needs, leading to improved performance and productivity.
  4. Boost Employee Morale and Retention: Employees receiving training tailored to their needs enhances their skills and boosts their morale. Feeling valued and equipped to succeed, employees are more likely to remain loyal to the organization.
  5. Stay Ahead of Industry Changes: The business environment is ever-evolving. TNA (Training Needs Analysis) helps organizations anticipate and prepare for industry shifts, ensuring that the workforce remains updated and can adapt to new challenges.
  6. Optimize Resource Allocation: Instead of a scattergun approach, TNA enables businesses to use their resources more judiciously, focusing on areas that need attention.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Regular TNAs provide a feedback loop for organizations, highlighting the effectiveness of previous training and areas that require further intervention. This iterative process promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

How to Determine Training Needs?

Having established the significance of Training Needs Analysis in the organizational framework, it's crucial to delve into the practicalities. Understanding why TNA is essential sets the stage, but how can an organization effectively pinpoint its training requirements? 

Let's explore the methodologies and strategies that lead to a successful determination of training needs.

  1. Organization’s Short-term and Long-term Goals: Begin by understanding the strategic goals and objectives of the organization. What are the company's short-term and long-term plans? Are there any anticipated shifts in the market or industry? This broad overview provides context for where training might be necessary.
  1. Role Evaluation: Dive deeper into specific job roles. What are the essential skills and competencies required for each role? This step involves studying job descriptions, performance standards, and industry benchmarks to identify desired skills and knowledge.
  1. Skill Audit: Conduct surveys, tests, or interviews to gauge employees' skills and knowledge levels. This will help spot gaps between what employees currently know and what they should know.
  1. Team Feedbacks: Engage with employees, team leaders, and managers. Collect feedback on areas where they feel the training could benefit. Sometimes, employees have the best insights into where they need improvement.
  1. Employee Performance Reviews: Regularly analyzing performance reviews can shed light on recurring issues or areas of underperformance that could benefit from training interventions.
  1. External Benchmarking: Compare your organization's standards and performance with industry leaders and competitors. Are there any industry best practices that your organization isn't following? Training can bridge this gap.
  1. Anticipate Future Needs: Consider future industry trends and technological advancements besides addressing current deficiencies. What skills will be in demand in the coming years?
  1. Prioritize Training Needs: Once you've collated all this information, prioritize. Which training needs are the most urgent? Which ones align most closely with the organization's strategic objectives?
  1. Existing Training Program Evaluation: Before creating new training initiatives, evaluate the effectiveness of current training programs. Are they addressing the needs, or is there room for improvement?
  1. Training Needs of Stakeholders: Regularly engage with key stakeholders to understand and validate the training needs from a business perspective. They can offer valuable insights into the areas that hold the most strategic importance.

When to Conduct Training Needs Analysis?

Once we've mastered how to determine training needs? The next logical step is to discern the right timing for such evaluations. The upcoming topic, when to conduct training needs analysis, will delve into the best moments for assessing organizational skill gaps, ensuring that training is both timely and effective.

When to Conduct Training Needs Analysis
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Conducting TNA at the right time ensures that training efforts are focused and aligned with the organization's goals. Here are some key scenarios and instances when it is advisable to conduct a TNA:

  • New Employee Onboarding: When new employees join the organization, conducting TNA helps in assessing their existing skills and identifying any gaps that need to be addressed through training. This ensures that new hires receive the necessary training to quickly adapt to their roles and become productive members of the organization.
  • New Tech & Process Introduction: When organizations introduce new technologies, systems, or processes, it is essential to assess the training needs of employees to ensure a smooth transition. TNA helps identify the skills and knowledge required to effectively use the new technology or implement the new process, enabling organizations to design targeted training programs.
  • Job Role & Responsibility Changes: When employees undergo role changes or are assigned new responsibilities, their training needs may also change. Conducting a TNA in such situations helps identify the skills and knowledge required to perform the new roles effectively. It enables organizations to provide the necessary training to support employees' transitions and ensure their success in their new positions.
  • Performance & Quality Issues: If an organization identifies performance gaps, quality issues, or a decline in productivity, conducting TNA can help pinpoint the root causes. Organizations can design training programs that address specific areas of concern and improve performance outcomes by analyzing the skills and knowledge gaps.
  • Strategic Organizational Goals: When organizations set strategic goals, they must assess whether the existing workforce possesses the required skills and competencies to achieve those goals. Conducting TNA enables organizations to align their training initiatives with the strategic objectives, ensuring that employees have the necessary capabilities to support the organization's growth and success.
  • Periodic Training Reviews: Regularly reviewing training programs and their effectiveness is essential for continuous improvement. Conducting TNA at regular intervals helps organizations assess the impact of previous training initiatives, identify any new training needs that may have arisen, and refine their training strategies accordingly.
  • Employee Feedback and Requests: Employee feedback and requests for specific training can serve as valuable indicators for conducting a TNA. Suppose multiple employees express the need for training in a particular area or suggest improvements in existing training programs. In that case, conducting a TNA to validate those needs and make informed decisions about training priorities is a good opportunity.
  • Regulatory or Compliance Changes: In industries where regulatory requirements change frequently, organizations must ensure that employees receive updated training to remain compliant. TNA can help identify the necessary training needs and ensure employees have the knowledge and skills to meet regulatory standards.

By conducting TNA at the right times, organizations can effectively identify training gaps, align training initiatives with organizational objectives, and ensure that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to the organization's success.

How to Conduct Training Needs Analysis?

Having explored the critical aspect of when to conduct training needs analysis, it's essential to delve into the methodology itself. Knowing when to assess is just one part of the equation; understanding the how-to brings the entire analysis to fruition. 

Under this heading will summarize the step-by-step process, tools, and techniques essential for a comprehensive evaluation. Join us as we navigate the practicalities and best practices of effectively determining training requirements.

How to Conduct Training Needs Analysis
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Organizations can conduct a comprehensive Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and gain valuable insights into their employees' training requirements by following these steps:

Step 1: Define Training Objectives: 

Start by clearly defining the objectives of the TNA. Determine the cause and scope of the analysis, including the specific areas or job roles to be assessed. The objectives should align with the organization's overall goals and objectives.

Step 2: Identify Stakeholders: 

Identify the key stakeholders involved in the TNA process. This may include HR personnel, department heads, managers, supervisors, and employees. Involve representatives from different levels and departments to ensure comprehensive data collection and a holistic perspective.

Step 3: Determine Data Collection Methods: 

Select appropriate data collection methods that suit the objectives and resources available. Common methods include surveys, interviews, focus groups, observation, and document analysis. Each method has advantages and limitations, so choosing the most effective and feasible approaches for your organization is important.

Step 4: Identify Data Collection Tools: 

Develop the necessary instruments for data collection, such as questionnaires, interview guides, or observation checklists. Ensure the instruments capture relevant information about job roles, skills, knowledge, performance, and training needs. Use solid and concise language to avoid ambiguity and bias.

Step 5: Create Reports: 

Implement the selected data collection methods. Distribute surveys, conduct interviews or focus groups, observe employees in their work environment, and review relevant documents or performance records. Encourage open and honest communication during interviews and focus groups to gather valuable insights.

Step 6: Analyze Data: 

Analyze the collected data to identify patterns, trends, and discrepancies. Use appropriate data analysis techniques, such as qualitative or quantitative analysis, depending on the nature of the data. Look for common themes, skill gaps, and areas of improvement. This analysis helps in identifying the priority training needs.

Step 7: Training Cost and ROI Analysis:

Once you've identified the training needs through the previous steps, it's essential to evaluate the potential financial implications and returns on investment (ROI) of the training interventions. 

This ensures that the organization's resources are used efficiently and that training efforts align with business objectives. The seventh step, Training Cost and ROI Analysis, helps organizations make informed decisions about which training solutions to pursue.

1. Estimating Training Costs

Direct Costs:

These are costs directly associated with the training program.

  • Instructor fees
  • Training materials
  • Venue hire
  • Technology/equipment costs (e.g., online platform subscriptions)
  • Travel and accommodation for trainers or attendees (if necessary)

Indirect Costs:

These are less obvious costs associated with implementing a training program.

  • Time participants spend away from their jobs
  • Administrative time (e.g., scheduling, communications)
  • Ongoing support and training maintenance costs

2. Determine Expected Benefits

Quantifiable Benefits: 

These are tangible benefits that can be measured in terms of money.

  • Increase in sales or productivity
  • Reduction in errors or waste
  • Decrease in turnover or increased employee retention

Qualitative Benefits: 

These benefits are harder to measure in monetary terms but are still valuable.

  • Improved job satisfaction
  • Enhanced company reputation
  • Better team collaboration or communication

3. Calculate ROI

ROI is calculated using the following formula:

Calculate ROI
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Where: Net Benefits = Expected Benefits - Training Costs

4. Conduct Break-even Analysis

This helps determine the point at which the training program will start generating positive returns. Identify how long it will take for the benefits (savings or increased revenue) to cover the costs of the training.

5. Consider Intangible Benefits

While ROI is a crucial metric, also consider non-quantifiable benefits of training.

  • Enhanced morale
  • Improved organizational culture
  • Compliance with industry standards or regulations
  • Avoidance of potential future costs (e.g., lawsuits, penalties)

6. Monitor and Adjust

Post-training, continuously track the actual costs and benefits to compare against your initial estimates. If there's a significant deviation, try to understand why and adjust future training strategies accordingly.

7. Communicate ROI to Stakeholders

Once you've analyzed the costs and ROI of the proposed training, communicate your findings to key stakeholders. This transparency ensures that decision-makers are well-informed and can see the value or potential risks associated with the investment.

Benefits of Training Needs Analysis

With a clear grasp on how to conduct Training Needs Analysis? it's natural to question its significance in the broader context. Why invest time and resources in it? 

As we transition into our next discussion on the benefits of Training Needs Analysis (TNA), we'll showcase the myriad benefits such an analytical exercise can offer businesses, ensuring that the efforts are justified and rewarding.

Benefits of Training Needs Analysis
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Training Needs Analysis (TNA) offers numerous benefits to organizations. Here are some key benefits:

  • Targeted Training: TNA helps organizations avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to training. By identifying specific training needs, organizations can design targeted programs that address the gaps and enhance the skills and competencies required for improved performance. This ensures that training efforts are focused on areas that will have the most significant impact on employees and organizational success.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: TNA ensures that training resources are allocated effectively. By identifying the precise training needs, organizations can avoid unnecessary training expenses and invest in programs that yield the maximum return on investment. By focusing resources on the areas that require improvement, organizations can optimize their training budget and allocate it strategically.
  • Improved Performance and Productivity: By addressing the identified training needs, employees can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job roles more effectively. This leads to an improvement in performance, an increase in productivity, and betterment in overall organizational outcomes. Employees with the right training and support are better equipped to handle their responsibilities and contribute to the organization's success.
  • Employee Engagement and Retention: Investing in employee training and development through targeted training programs demonstrates an organization's commitment to its employees' growth. One of the key benefits of investing in employee training is fostering a sense of engagement and loyalty among employees. It leads to higher job satisfaction and retention rates. Employees appreciate the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge, increasing their motivation and commitment to the organization.
  • Adaptability: TNA helps organizations stay agile and adapt to changing business environments. Organizations can develop a skilled and adaptable workforce capable of meeting future challenges by continuously identifying and addressing training needs. TNA enables organizations to stay ahead of industry trends and equip employees with the necessary skills to keep up with evolving technologies, market demands, and industry standards.
  • Enhanced Succession Planning: TNA can play a vital role in identifying potential leaders and successors within an organization. Organizations can identify high-potential employees and provide targeted development opportunities by assessing the current and desired competencies for leadership roles. This helps create a pipeline of competent employees ready to take on key positions, ensuring continuity and smooth transitions during succession planning.
  • Improved Training ROI: TNA helps organizations maximize their training return on investment (ROI) by ensuring that training efforts align with the needs of employees and the organization. By targeting training programs to address identified gaps, organizations can measure the impact of training more effectively. This enables them to evaluate the effectiveness of training interventions and make data-driven decisions regarding future training investments.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) offers significant benefits to organizations by providing insights into specific training requirements. By conducting TNA, organizations can optimize their training efforts and contribute to the long-term success and growth of their workforce and the organization.

Training Needs Analysis Best Practices

Training Needs Analysis Best Practices
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Understanding the benefits of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) provides a compelling argument for its importance in any organizational structure. However, to reap these benefits, it's essential to approach TNA with a methodical and best-practice-driven mindset. This naturally leads us to our next segment, TNA best practices. 

Here, we will dive into the guidelines, techniques, and strategies experts deem crucial for ensuring a successful and efficient TNA process. Join us as we journey through the gold standard practices in training needs analysis, ensuring your efforts are effective and impactful.

  • Involve Multiple Stakeholders: Gaining inputs from various stakeholders—including managers, employees, and even customers can provide a holistic understanding of training needs. According to a CIPD report, involving line managers in the TNA process improved the training outcome effectiveness by up to 60%.
  • Use a Combination of Data Collection Methods: Relying on a single method like surveys or interviews can be limiting. Mixing techniques ensures a more comprehensive analysis. A Brandon Hall Group study found that organizations using mixed-method approaches for TNA were 45% more likely to report positive employee performance improvements post-training.
  • Align with Business Objectives: TNA should not be done in isolation but should align with the overarching business goals and strategies. A Bersin by Deloitte report highlighted that organizations that aligned training efforts with business goals achieved 40% higher gross revenue per employee.
  • Prioritize Needs: Not all identified needs require immediate attention. Prioritizing them based on urgency, impact, and feasibility is crucial. Organizations prioritizing training needs based on strategic importance witnessed a 35% increase in training ROI, per ATD report.
  • Regularly Review and Update: Business environments and training needs change. Regularly reviewing and updating the TNA ensures continued relevance. Training Magazine study indicated that companies that conducted TNA reviews at least once a year had a 28% higher employee retention rate.

Building on this comprehensive understanding, we now arrive at a pivotal juncture. With the broader organizational perspective, it's time to zoom in on the individual—the backbone of any institution. 

Our next topic, how to identify the training needs of employees, will delve into the heart of the matter, focusing on the specific techniques and strategies to pinpoint and address the developmental needs of each employee, ensuring a personalized, targeted, and impactful training experience. According to Research and Markets, the corporate training market is expected to grow to USD 460.04 billion in 2027.

Join us as we transition from the macroscopic to the microscopic, understanding employee-centric training requirements in depth.

How to Identify the Training Needs of Employees?

How to Identify the Training Needs of Employees
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Identifying the training needs of employees is a crucial step in developing targeted and effective training programs. Here are some approaches and methods to help identify the training needs of employees:

1. Performance Reviews and Feedback: 

Regular performance evaluations and constructive feedback sessions are pivotal in uncovering employees' capabilities and areas of improvement. Organizations can detect gaps where further training or upskilling is essential by facilitating conversations with staff members and supervisors. 

Evaluating key performance indicators, like work quality, productivity levels, and customer satisfaction rates, provides a comprehensive view of where focused training can make a significant difference. Here are a few examples of how HR can get interactive to identify employee training needs:

Questions to Identify Employee Training Needs - 

Example 1

What skills or knowledge do you feel you lack to excel in your role?

Example 2

Are there any tasks or responsibilities you find challenging due to a lack of training?

Example 3

Are there any software or tools you wish you were more proficient in?

Example 4

What areas of your current role would you like more training or mentorship in?

Example 5

Do you feel current training materials or courses are effective and up-to-date?

2. Performance Analysis as per Employee’s Descriptions: 

Conducting job analysis according to employee descriptions can provide a clear understanding of the skills and competencies required for each job role. Comparing the expected job requirements to the actual skills employees possess can identify any gaps or deficiencies that need to be addressed through training.

Example 1

Consider "TechGlobe," where Sarah, a software developer, has specific duties: coding, debugging, attending team meetings, and mentoring juniors.

Sarah excels in coding and debugging but frequently misses team meetings and doesn't actively mentor junior developers. By comparing her performance against her job description, her manager, Mr. Clark, identifies areas she shines and areas needing improvement. This comparison provides a foundation for discussing potential training or role adjustments to align with her job responsibilities.

Example 2

At the "HealthBridge" clinic, nutritionist Alex is tasked with creating diet plans, holding seminars, and giving personal consultations. While he excels in designing diet plans, he avoids seminars and has many delayed consultations. By contrasting Alex's activities with his job roles, Dr. Jane, his supervisor, identifies areas of discrepancy, laying the groundwork for a conversation about aligning his performance with his duties.

3. Skills and Competency Assessments: 

Administering skills and competency assessments through online or practical evaluations can help identify areas where employees may require training. These assessments can cover technical skills, soft skills, industry-specific knowledge, and other relevant competencies required for job performance. 

Below is the list of various competencies that employees are required to possess to perform their jobs well:

Cognitive Competencies:

Behavioral Competencies:

  • Adaptability
  • Action Orientation
  • Self-Management
  • Results Orientation

Communication & Interpersonal Skills:

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Persuasion and Influence

Leadership & Management:

  • Leadership
  • Coaching/Employee Development
  • Project Management
  • Risk Management
  • Establishing Objectives
  • Planning

Business & Financial Acumen:

  • Business Knowledge/Acumen
  • Fiscal Management

Team & Collaboration:

  • Teamwork
  • Global Perspective

Customer & Market Focus:

  • Customer Focus
  • Innovation

Technical & Specific Knowledge:

  • Technology

To effectively evaluate the aforementioned competencies, it's crucial to utilize the following three key assessment methods:

1. Psychometric Tests:

These tests are designed to measure candidates' suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). They identify the extent to which candidates' personality and cognitive abilities match those required for the job.

Skills Targeted: Cognitive Competencies (like Analytical Skills and problem-solving), Behavioral Competencies (such as Adaptability and self-management), and aspects of Communication and Interpersonal Skills.

2. 360-Degree Feedback:

A comprehensive method involving feedback from a candidate's subordinates, colleagues, and superiors, as well as a self-evaluation. It provides a holistic view of an individual's performance.

Skills Targeted: Leadership, Coaching/Employee Development, Teamwork, Communication, Interpersonal Skills, and Planning.

3. Assessment Centers:

These are standardized evaluations of behavior based on multiple evaluations, including job-related simulations, interviews, and psychological tests. They can be adapted to measure a variety of skills and competencies.

Skills Targeted: All listed skills can be assessed depending on the simulations and tasks involved, especially Leadership, Project Management, Teamwork, Business Knowledge/Acumen, and Technology proficiency.

4. Surveys and Questionnaires: 

Distributing surveys or questionnaires to employees can gather their self-assessment of their training needs. The survey questions can focus on the employees' perceived strengths, areas for improvement, and specific training topics they believe would benefit their performance. 

This method provides employees with the opportunity to voice their opinions and contribute to the identification of training needs.

Here's a simplified example of how this process might look:

Scenario: An HR department at XYZ Corporation wants to identify areas where their employees need further training.

Step 1: Define the Objective
Determine why the survey is being conducted. For XYZ Corporation, the goal is to identify gaps in employee skills and knowledge to enhance productivity and maintain a competitive edge.

Step 2: Design the Questionnaire
The questionnaire should capture general and specific training needs. Sample Questions:

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how competent do you feel in your current role?
  2. Are there any tools or software you need further training on?
  3. Do you feel gaps in your current skill set hinder your performance?
  4. How confident do you understand our company's latest products/services?
  5. Would you benefit from leadership or management training?
  6. Are there areas outside of your current role where you'd like to receive training?
  7. How do you prefer your training? (e.g., Online, Classroom, Workshop, On-the-job)
Step 3: Administer the Questionnaire
The survey can be disseminated using various tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or internal communication platforms. Confidentiality should be assured so employees feel comfortable providing honest feedback.

Step 4: Analyze the Data
After collecting responses, analyze the data to identify patterns and significant training needs. For instance, if 70% of respondents indicate they need training on a new company software, this becomes a priority.

Step 5: Action and Implementation
Based on the data, HR can propose a training plan. Using the earlier example, XYZ Corporation might hold workshops on the new company software.

Step 6: Feedback Loop
Post-training, another round of short surveys can be used to measure the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, surveys and questionnaires provide an efficient way for companies like XYZ Corporation to identify training needs directly from the employees, ensuring that training initiatives are both relevant and effective.

5. Observation and Job Shadowing: 

Direct observation of employees' job performance can reveal areas where additional training may be beneficial. Managers or supervisors can observe employees in their work environment to identify skills gaps or challenges impacting performance. Job shadowing, where employees spend time with colleagues who excel in certain areas, can also highlight areas where further development is needed.

Job shadowing is simple, but the observation is kind of tricky. Here are the observation every Manager/HR Manager should follow:

  • Dress Discipline Check: Ensuring employees adhere to the company's dress code and present themselves professionally.
  • Behaviour Check: Evaluating the professionalism, respect, and general demeanor an employee exhibits towards colleagues and superiors.
  • Way of Speaking Check: Assessing an employee's communication style for clarity, politeness, and effectiveness.
  • Work Clarity Check: Verifying employees clearly understand their responsibilities and tasks.
  • Day-to-day Work Productivity Check: Monitoring employees' daily output and efficiency in their assigned tasks.
  • Check for Inconsistency: Identifying fluctuations or variations in an employee's performance over time.
  • Cause for Inconsistency Check: Investigating the reasons behind any observed inconsistencies in performance.
  • Problem-solving Check: Assessing an employee's capability to address and resolve job-related challenges.
  • Absenteeism and Timing Check: Monitoring punctuality and attendance patterns to ensure adherence to company time norms.
  • Deadline Check: Ensuring an employee consistently meets project or task deadlines.
  • Update Follow-up Check: An employee's regularity and diligence in updating superiors or team members on task progress.
  • Product Knowledge Check: Assessing the depth of an employee's understanding of the products or services offered by the company.
  • Task Ownership Check: Evaluating employees' sense of responsibility and accountability for their assigned tasks.
  • These checks offer a comprehensive overview of an employee's performance, behavior, and overall organizational contribution.

6. Analysis of Organizational Goals and Changes: 

Analyzing the organization's strategic goals and any industry trends or technology changes can help identify organizational training needs. Assessing the skills and knowledge required to achieve organizational objectives can reveal gaps that training initiatives must address.

Example 1: Introduction of New Technology
Organizational Goal Change: A company pivots from traditional retail to e-commerce. This change comes with the introducing of a new online sales platform and a shift in marketing strategies.

Impact on Productivity: Initially, sales staff who used to engage customers face-to-face might struggle with the transition, leading to a dip in their productivity. They're unfamiliar with the e-commerce platform, may lack digital communication skills, or feel disconnected from the direct client interactions they're used to.

Identification: A significant drop in sales, increased customer complaints regarding online service, or a spike in technical questions from the sales team can be indicators. Regular feedback sessions or surveys could also reveal the challenges faced by employees.

Example 2: Shift in Company Focus
Organizational Goal Change: A software company initially focused on gaming apps decides to develop educational apps, aligning with emerging market demands and societal emphasis on e-learning.

Impact on Productivity: Developers who were passionate about creating gaming apps might experience a decrease in productivity. Their expertise and interest lie in gaming, and they may not feel as engaged or competent when developing educational apps.

Identification: A longer development cycle, a rise in bugs or issues in the new apps, or a decline in innovative ideas can hint at this productivity change. Feedback sessions can also bring feelings of disinterest or a need for retraining.

In both examples, management must recognize these productivity changes early on. Providing the necessary training resources or even reshuffling team roles can help realign employee productivity with the revised organizational goals.

7. Feedback from Customers and Clients: 

Feedback from customers and clients can provide valuable insights into areas where employees may require additional training. Identifying recurring issues or customer complaints can highlight specific skills or knowledge gaps that need attention to improve customer satisfaction.

Feedback from customers and clients can be a goldmine of information to improve services and products. Here's how feedback in the mentioned industries can be crucial:

Example 1: Food Delivery Industry
Feedback Implication for HR

The delivery was swift, but the food arrived cold, and the packaging was damaged, causing some spillage.

Such feedback highlights potential issues with delivery personnel training. HR can then implement training modules on safely handling food packages and efficient routes to ensure timely and intact delivery.

Example 2: Education Training Industry
Feedback Implication for HR

The course content is excellent, but the instructor often seemed unprepared and couldn't answer many of our questions.

This feedback suggests that the instructor may need further training while the material is satisfactory. HR could organize specialized training for instructors to ensure they're well-versed with the content and can handle queries effectively.

Example 3: Insurance Industry
Feedback Implication for HR

It took over a week to get a response to my claim inquiry, and the representative seemed unsure about the policy details.

Delayed response and lack of knowledge indicate a potential understaffing issue or inadequate training. HR can focus on hiring more representatives or enhancing the training programs to improve product knowledge.

Example 4: Apparel Industry
Feedback Implication for HR

The staff at the store were not helpful and seemed disinterested when I asked for different sizes.

Such feedback points to potential issues with employee motivation or customer service skills. HR can initiate customer service training sessions and work on employee engagement strategies.

Example 5: Health Industry
Feedback Implication for HR

The doctor was great, but the administrative staff lost my appointment details and made me wait for an hour.

While medical professionals might deliver excellently, the administrative staff may need better systems or training. HR can focus on administrative training and perhaps introduce software or systems to manage appointments more efficiently.

In all these industries, feedback directly impacts the perceived quality of service. For HR managers, acting on such feedback ensures that employees are well-equipped, trained, and motivated to deliver the best possible service to customers and clients.

Read More: What is Upskilling and why is it important?


Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is crucial in today's dynamic business environment. As a diagnostic tool, TNA identifies the gap between current skills and those needed to achieve organizational objectives. Beyond just enhancing performance, TNA fosters continuous learning and adaptability. 

With platforms like Edstellar, implementing tailored training becomes streamlined and efficient. Ultimately, investing in TNA is an investment in a company's future, ensuring a prepared and resilient workforce ready to face evolving challenges.

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