Corporate Node JS Training Course

Edstellar's instructor-led Node JS training course is designed to upskill teams with the knowledge and expertise to develop powerful and scalable web applications. Teams learn asynchronous programming, event-driven architecture, and working with frameworks such as Express JS. Enroll in the Node JS course. Elevate the team’s web skills!

18 - 36 hrs
Instructor-led (On-site/Virtual)
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Node JS Training

Drive Team Excellence with Node JS Training for Employees

Empower your teams with expert-led on-site/in-house or virtual/online Node JS Training through Edstellar, a premier corporate training company for organizations globally. Our tailored Node JS corporate training course equips your employees with the skills, knowledge, and cutting-edge tools needed for success. Designed to meet your specific needs, this Node JS group training program ensures your team is primed to drive your business goals. Transform your workforce into a beacon of productivity and efficiency.

Node JS is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows for the execution of JavaScript code outside a web browser. This is particularly crucial for organizations aiming to build scalable network applications that are efficient and capable of handling simultaneous connections with high throughput. The training encompasses a general overview of Node JS, explaining why it's a vital tool for modern web development and how it benefits organizations by enabling fast, scalable server-side web applications.

Edstellar's Node JS training course stands out with its unique approach. We offer Node JS Instructor-led training, ensuring professionals receive guided instruction from experienced professionals. Recognizing the need for diverse learning preferences, Edstellar provides virtual/onsite Node JS training options. This flexibility allows professionals to choose the learning environment that best suits their needs, whether it be the convenience of virtual learning or the hands-on experience of onsite training.

Key Skills Teams Gain Through Node JS Training

Node JS skills corporate training will enable teams to effectively apply their learnings at work.

  • Event-Driven Architecture
  • Database Integration
  • Framework Utilization
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Application Optimization
  • RESTful API Development

Node JS Training for Employees: Key Learning Outcomes

Edstellar’s Node JS training for employees will not only help your teams to acquire fundamental skills but also attain invaluable learning outcomes, enhancing their proficiency and enabling application of knowledge in a professional environment. By completing our Node JS workshop, teams will to master essential Node JS and also focus on introducing key concepts and principles related to Node JS at work.

Employees who complete Node JS training will be able to:

  • Develop efficient and scalable web applications using Node JS
  • Implement event-driven architecture to handle multiple requests simultaneously
  • Integrate databases effectively for robust data management in Node JS applications
  • Utilize Express JS and other Node JS frameworks to streamline development processes
  • Apply best practices in code organization and modularization for maintainable codebases
  • Master asynchronous programming for better performance and speed in web applications
  • Optimize and troubleshoot Node JS applications for enhanced reliability and user experience
  • Create RESTful APIs for effective communication between client and server-side applications

Key Benefits of the Node JS Corporate Training

Attending our Node JS classes tailored for corporations offers numerous advantages. Through our on-site/in-house or virtual/online Node JS training classes, participants will gain confidence and comprehensive insights, enhance their skills, and gain a deeper understanding of Node JS.

  • Improves capability to implement event-driven architecture, optimizing server-side processes
  • Strengthens database integration skills, ensuring robust data management in web applications
  • Enhances ability to create and manage RESTful APIs, facilitating better server-client communication
  • Promotes best practices in code organization, leading to more maintainable and scalable codebases
  • Equips teams with the skills to utilize frameworks like Express JS, streamlining web application development
  • Develops the expertise in optimizing and troubleshooting Node JS applications for reliability and performance
  • Empowers professionals with advanced backend development skills, enhancing the team’s technical capabilities

Node JS Training Topics and Outline

Our virtual and on-premise Node JS training curriculum is divided into multiple modules designed by industry experts. This Node JS training for organizations provides an interactive learning experience focused on the dynamic demands of the field, making it relevant and practical.

  1. Overview of Node JS and its features
      1. Server-side JavaScript runtime
      2. Non-blocking, event-driven architecture
      3. High scalability and performance
      4. Large ecosystem of packages and libraries
  2. Installation and setup of Node JS
      1. Downloading and installing Node JS
      2. Checking the Node JS installation
  1. Introduction to the event-driven, non-blocking I/O model
      1. Understanding event-driven architecture
      2. Handling asynchronous operations
      3. Non-blocking I/O operations with callbacks
  2. Understanding the Node JS runtime and event loop
      1. Event loop and event queue
      2. Execution order in Node JS
      3. Handling I/O operations with the event loop
  3. Working with modules in Node JS
      1. Creating and exporting modules
      2. Importing and using modules
      3. Core modules vs. external modules
  1. Introduction to npm (Node Package Manager)
      1. Package management in Node JS
      2. Installing npm and verifying the installation
  2. Installing and managing packages with npm
      1. Installing packages locally and globally
      2. Specifying dependencies in package.json
      3. Updating and uninstalling packages
  3. Working with package.json and managing dependencies
      1. Creating and maintaining package.json
      2. Managing version ranges and semantic versioning
      3. Resolving and updating dependencies
  4. Publishing packages to the npm registry
      1. Creating an npm account
      2. Publishing a package to the registry
      3. Versioning and updating published packages
  1. Introduction to Express JS as a web framework
      1. Features and benefits of Express JS
      2. Setting up an Express JS project
  2. Setting up an Express JS application
      1. Installing Express JS with npm
      2. Creating an Express JS server
      3. Configuring routes and handling requests
  3. Handling routes and middleware in Express JS
      1. Defining routes and route parameters
      2. Handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.)
      3. Using middleware functions for request processing
  4. Using templates and rendering dynamic content
      1. Configuring template engines (e.g., EJS, Pug)
      2. Rendering dynamic content with templates
      3. Passing data to templates
  5. Developing RESTful APIs with Express JS
      1. Designing RESTful API endpoints
      2. Implementing CRUD operations with Express JS
      3. Handling request validation and error responses
  1. Introduction to databases in Node JS
      1. Types of databases (relational, NoSQL)
      2. Database concepts (tables, documents, etc.)
  2. Connecting to databases (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL)
      1. Installing database drivers or ORMs
      2. Establishing database connections
      3. Handling connection configuration
  3. Performing CRUD operations using database drivers
      1. Executing queries and commands
      2. Inserting, updating, and retrieving data
      3. Handling database errors and transactions
  4. Working with ORMs or ODMs for database interaction
      1. Introduction to ORMs (e.g., Sequelize, Mongoose)
      2. Mapping database objects to JavaScript objects
      3. Using ORM/ODM methods for data manipulation
  1. Techniques for error handling in Node JS
      1. Handling synchronous errors
      2. Handling asynchronous errors
      3. Using try-catch blocks
  2. Logging and debugging tools
      1. Logging errors and application events
      2. Debugging techniques and best practices
      3. Using debugging tools (e.g., Node JS Inspector)
  3. Handling exceptions and managing errors
      1. Throwing custom exceptions
      2. Creating error handlers
      3. Centralized error handling middleware
  4. Debugging Node JS applications using the Node JS Inspector
      1. Enabling Inspector for debugging
      2. Using breakpoints and stepping through code
      3. Inspecting variables and call stack

1. What is a REST API?

    1. What is an API?
    2. What is a RESTful API?
    3. Benefits of REST APIs
    4. Characteristics of REST APIs
    5. Common REST API methods

2. Why REST API?

    1. Scalability
    2. Flexibility
    3. Performance
    4. Interoperability
    5. Ease of use

3. Data Exchange Formats

    1. JSON
    2. XML
    3. YAML

4. JSON vs. XML

    1. Pros and cons of JSON
    2. Pros and cons of XML
    3. When to use JSON
    4. When to use XML

5. Monolith Architecture

    1. What is monolith architecture?
    2. Advantages and disadvantages of monolith architectures
    3. When to use a monolith architecture

6. Microservice Architecture

    1. What is microservice architecture?
    2. Advantages and disadvantages of microservice architectures
    3. When to use a microservice architecture
  1. Strategies for optimizing Node JS performance
      1. Identifying performance bottlenecks
      2. Optimizing CPU and memory usage
      3. Reducing I/O latency and increasing throughput
  2. Caching mechanisms and strategies
      1. In-memory caching with Redis or Memcached
      2. Caching static and dynamic content
      3. Cache invalidation and expiration
  3. Profiling and benchmarking Node JS applications
      1. Profiling tools and techniques
      2. Measuring execution time and memory usage
      3. Analyzing performance data and identifying optimizations
  4. Scaling and load-balancing techniques
      1. Horizontal and vertical scaling
      2. Load balancing with reverse proxies (e.g., Nginx)
      3. Using clustering and process managers (e.g., PM2)
  1. Understanding common security vulnerabilities in Node JS
      1. Injection attacks (SQL injection, command injection)
      2. Cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
      3. Security misconfigurations and insecure dependencies
  2. Implementing authentication and authorization
      1. User authentication with sessions or JWT
      2. Password hashing and salting
      3. Role-based access control (RBAC) and permissions
  3. Input validation and data sanitization
      1. Validating and sanitizing user input
      2. Preventing code injection and XSS attacks
      3. Using validation libraries (e.g., Validator.js)
  4. Protecting against common web attacks (e.g., SQL injection, XSS)
      1. SQL injection prevention with parameterized queries
      2. Cross-site scripting prevention with output encoding
      3. Implementing security headers (e.g., Content Security Policy)
  1. Deploying Node JS applications to production
      1. Choosing a hosting provider or server
      2. Setting up the production environment
      3. Deploying using FTP, SSH, or containerization
  2. Configuration and environment management
      1. Separating configuration from code
      2. Environment-specific configurations (development, production)
      3. Using environment variables
  3. Containerization with Docker
      1. Introduction to Docker and containers
      2. Building Docker images for Node JS applications
      3. Running containers and managing deployments
  4. Monitoring and logging in a production environment
      1. Implementing logging libraries (e.g., Winston)
      2. Monitoring application health and performance
      3. Using monitoring tools and dashboards (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana)
  1. Industry best practices for Node JS development
      1. Code formatting and style guidelines
      2. Code documentation and commenting
      3. Writing meaningful and descriptive commit messages
  2. Code organization and project structure
      1. Choosing an appropriate project structure
      2. Separating concerns (models, controllers, routes)
      3. Managing configuration and utility files
  3. Version control with Git
      1. Initializing a Git repository
      2. Committing and pushing changes
      3. Branching, merging, and resolving conflicts
  4. Collaboration workflows and code reviews
      1. Collaborating with multiple developers on a project
      2. Pull requests and code review process
      3. Code quality and peer feedback
  5. Recommended tools and libraries for Node JS development
      1. IDEs and text editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
      2. Debugging tools and extensions
      3. Useful libraries and packages for specific tasks

This Corporate Training for Node JS is ideal for:

What Sets Us Apart?

Node JS Corporate Training Prices

Our Node JS training for enterprise teams is tailored to your specific upskilling needs. Explore transparent pricing options that fit your training budget, whether you're training a small group or a large team. Discover more about our Node JS training cost and take the first step toward maximizing your team's potential.

Request for a quote to know about our Node JS corporate training cost and plan the training initiative for your teams. Our cost-effective Node JS training pricing ensures you receive the highest value on your investment.

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Our customized corporate training packages offer various benefits. Maximize your organization's training budget and save big on your Node JS training by choosing one of our training packages. This option is best suited for organizations with multiple training requirements. Our training packages are a cost-effective way to scale up your workforce skill transformation efforts..

Starter Package

125 licenses

64 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

Tailored for SMBs

Most Popular
Growth Package

350 licenses

160 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

Ideal for growing SMBs

Enterprise Package

900 licenses

400 hours of training (includes VILT/In-person On-site)

Designed for large corporations

Custom Package

Unlimited licenses

Unlimited duration

Designed for large corporations

View Corporate Training Packages

Target Audience for Node JS Training Course

The Node JS training course is ideal for managers in web development, JavaScript development, full-stack development, technical leads and architectures, and entrepreneurs.

The Node JS training program can also be taken by professionals at various levels in the organization.

Node JS training for managers

Node JS training for staff

Node JS training for leaders

Node JS training for executives

Node JS training for workers

Node JS training for businesses

Node JS training for beginners

Node JS group training

Node JS training for teams

Node JS short course

Prerequisites for Node JS Training

The Node JS training course can be taken by professionals with a basic understanding of JavaScript and web development concepts.

Assess the Training Effectiveness

Bringing you the Best Node JS Trainers in the Industry

The instructor-led Node JS training is conducted by certified trainers with extensive expertise in the field. Participants will benefit from the instructor's vast knowledge, gaining valuable insights and practical skills essential for success in Node JS Access practices.

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Training Delivery Modes for Node JS Group Training

At Edstellar, we understand the importance of impactful and engaging training for employees. To ensure the training is more interactive, we offer Face-to-Face onsite/in-house or virtual/online Node JS training for companies. This method has proven to be the most effective, outcome-oriented and well-rounded training experience to get the best training results for your teams.


Instructor-led Training

Engaging and flexible online sessions delivered live, allowing professionals to connect, learn, and grow from anywhere in the world.


Instructor-led Training

Customized, face-to-face learning experiences held at your organization's location, tailored to meet your team's unique needs and objectives.


Instructor-led Training

Interactive workshops and seminars conducted at external venues, offering immersive learning away from the workplace to foster team building and focus.

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