Good communication is a core function of effective leadership - which means both are intertwined. As a leader, you must be able to communicate appropriately at all levels of the organization - groups, communities, and as an individual. A leader must be able to think with clarity and express ideas with their team members and beyond. They must be able to handle the rapid flow of work and information and must know how and when to communicate and select the appropriate mode for their audience. Hence, in short, effective leadership communication is the only way to ensure you are meeting people’s needs and, most importantly, fostering human connection.
The Crucial Role of Communication in Leadership
The skill of articulating a vision and encouraging conversations inside a company is known as effective leadership communication. It includes having the capacity to communicate objectives, standards, and plans in a way that appeals to the team members and fosters commitment and trust. Leaders need to be adept in all forms of communication - verbal, written, and nonverbal.
The ability to actively listen is essential for effective leadership communication because it enables leaders to comprehend the needs and requirements of their team members. Also, transparent leadership communication is critical because it fosters an environment of trust and an open culture when leaders freely exchange information.
Being flexible is essential because good leaders modify their communication methods according to the needs of various groups of people within the teams. Your impact as a leader is increased when you are able to express empathy and establish an emotional connection, whether you are speaking to a huge assembly or conversing with a single person.
Importance of Leadership Communication
A Harvard Business Review survey indicates that 69% of managers said they generally feel uncomfortable speaking with their staff. Here’s why effective communication is important:

Effective Communication Raises Participation Levels
Employee engagement is crucial because if your staff is motivated, they will put in more effort, stick with the company longer, provide better customer service, and generally boost business ROI (return on investment). Hence, employee trust in the company and leaders is a prerequisite for engagement. An effective leadership communication technique can help achieve this. Leaders embody the company’s vision and demonstrate their commitment to it via their actions. Employees will buy into that vision and put their effort into making it a reality if they are transparent and honest about everything that is happening, both good and bad, and do not classify information.
Communication is Essential to Understand Issues
As was already established, listening skills are half the communication equation and are among the most critical traits of a strong leader. In the long run, even the simplest problems might become more difficult to eliminate if you don’t listen to or understand the worries of people who work for you. The finest leaders maintain consistent leadership communication and carefully listen to their team members to identify any emerging issues so they can address them as soon as possible and to the best of their abilities. There will inevitably be new problems - the trick is to anticipate them and communicate skillfully to avoid overlooking them completely or disregarding them. Thus, active listening skills can be helpful here!
Clear Communication Aligns With Strategic Goals
If staff members are unaware of or do not comprehend the organization’s aims, how can they be in alignment with them? It is the leadership’s responsibility to spread awareness of these objectives within the organization. Furthermore, the leadership must provide regular updates on the goals, the rationale behind their selection, and the strategy for achieving them. All of this helps in employee engagement and improves work culture. Also, effective leadership communication will result in the strategic alignment of individual goals with corporate objectives.
Leadership Communication Ensures Workplace Transparency
An organization needs workplace transparency because it makes internal information sharing easier. It enables everyone to remain current on work-related opportunities, initiatives, tasks, and advancements. You can guarantee workplace transparency and assist your team and other staff members in comprehending the project, its objective, and the anticipated outcomes if you possess excellent communication skills. This can assist your team members in weighing their options and coming to wise judgments that could benefit both the business and themselves.
7 Tips and Best Practices for Effective Leadership Communication
Here are some communication best practices in leadership:

1. Talk With Plans
Since the team members are busy, it is important to be precise and talk with a plan. Nothing irritates someone more than having to take time out of their day for something that turns out not to be significant or relevant. Even worse, the crucial topic may have been badly conveyed, leading to knowledge being misplaced or misinterpreted. Have a plan before you communicate in order to prevent this. If you were introducing a new project, for instance, you would describe it, including the resources needed, the intended result, the timeline, and any other pertinent information. Using a list with bullets might help ensure that you don’t overlook anything crucial.
2. Be Honest
We’ve all learned that honesty is the best policy. However, in business, it is really important. Employees are likely to hunt for work at a different company - one they believe they can trust. If they find they are being misled, especially on significant issues like the company’s financial situation or a significant shift that is about to happen, they are more likely to get demotivated and detached from the organization. Thus, establishing trust is more than just talking - it also requires doing the right things. Also, feedback and recognition in leadership is much appreciated by your team members.
3. Show Empathy
Make an effort to always start with empathy when you are forming relationships with your staff. Employees will not trust a boss who responds aggressively or negatively to certain circumstances. This will teach the hard reality and make them believe all organizations are the same. Building a good relationship with your team colleagues can be achieved by acting with empathy - which involves putting yourself in the other person’s shoes, listening intently, and making an effort to understand the situation.
4. Encourage Transparency
You cannot always be correct. Being incorrect is a necessary component of learning and development, despite how unpleasant it may sound. Hence, as a good leader, never cover up your mistake - own it - accept it - and improve it through fluent communication! Through conversing with others who hold radically different opinions, as a leader, you can get insight into various points of view and establish a reputation as a fair and unbiased individual. Hence, progressive leadership communication approaches can be great when ensuring transparency.
Leaders win the trust of their teams when they accept candid criticism. By showing their appreciation for other people’s perspectives in both situations, leaders enhance their reputation as effective communicators.
5. Maintain Consistency at Work
Consistency is a virtue for people, and they particularly seek it from leaders. Take your time and ensure that any information or ideas you convey are thoughtful and well-informed before you speak. By doing this, you can make sure that your statements are consistent throughout the week and that you won’t be fluctuating between them from day to day.
6. Be Fair with Your Staff
Ensure that all staff members in every department and at every level of your company are being communicated with and treated equally. By treating equally, we mean - ensuring there are no leadership communication gaps at all levels. There shouldn’t be obvious disparities in who you speak and listen to, from executives to part-timers. Take note of the people you spend the most time with. Making sure that you are not giving preference to any one individual, division, or staff level is crucial. Others definitely notice these things!
7. Express Assurance
Another one that may require some ability and practice is this one, but it is really crucial. Always project confidence. You should be confident in both your words and deeds. Even if there may be moments when you are at a loss for words or something unfavorable has occurred, you are still capable of handling challenging circumstances and managing conflict with poise. You will gain the trust of your staff by doing this since, as we all know, there is nothing worse than a leader who lacks confidence in their own words.
Leadership Communication Case Study
Vishal Garg (Garg), the founder and CEO of the mortgage and real estate business Better HoldCo Inc., terminated around 900 workers via a Zoom call on December 1, 2021, accounting for 9% of the company's employment in the US and India.
Through its website,, Better HoldCo Inc., trading as Better Mortgage Corporation (Better), provided mortgage and insurance products to homeowners.
"You belong to the unfortunate group that is being laid off if you are on this call. This is a notice of termination of employment, effective immediately.” He cited productivity, performance, and market efficiency as the primary causes of the layoffs. Garg argued that the employees' two hours of labor a day amounted to them being unproductive and stealing from their customers and coworkers.
In this scenario, Mr. Garg's communication style was direct and clear, leaving no ambiguity about the decision. However, it lacked sensitivity and empathy, essential components of effective leadership communication, especially when delivering difficult news such as layoffs.
Training Plan to Improve Effective Leadership Communication
The training of leaders in soft skills, critical thinking skills, delegation skills, and leadership courses for employees from a professional training provider can be very helpful in developing effective communication skills. Here we have shared some effective plans to improve effective communication in leadership:
Pay Attention
It is important to plan communication carefully for the target audience as a leader. What knowledge already exists among your listeners or readers? Which terms will they be most familiar with? For what length of time are they going to use up your communication? The most effective leadership communication is often multilayered, allowing some people to go deeper for additional information if necessary, while others may get the main points from the first few phrases.
Observe Follow-Up Actions
You are not communicating effectively if they are not acting in the way you desire. Realizing the issue is the first step toward making improvements. Pay attention to how your communications resonate. Is it clear to you? Does it prompt a response? Everybody has a unique communication style. Avoid imitating others and create a unique strategy. The efficiency of consistent leadership communication depends on the audience! Pay close attention to action and resonance.
Be Present During Interaction
Being present in every contact and acknowledging that each individual has a unique communication style are two important steps to improving communication. First, it’s crucial to keep electronics and other distractions out of meetings and interpersonal communication. The second is being conscious of how you communicate with other people and how each individual involved prefers to provide and receive information. This helps in giving and taking feedback and recognition in leadership.
Empathize and Enquire
We frequently assume that the other person is going through exactly what we are. This usually results in a severe breakdown of communication. By beginning with empathy and curiosity, you can overcome presumptions and comprehend what the other person is feeling or thinking. This aids in improving the clarity of our communication.
Frequently Asked Questions
For leaders, communication is not just a part of the job - it is sometimes the actual job. Therefore, it is crucial for you to enhance your skills and develop a good communication strategy with your team. Helping your team navigate change and challenges will be one of your responsibilities.
To develop practical leadership communication skills, you can consider joining leadership excellence program at Edstellar.
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