Upskilling: What is it, and why is it important?

Pete Ford
Jun 7, 2023
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Upskilling: What is it, and why is it important?

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Upskilling has become critical in organizations' professional development and growth. In a rapidly changing business environment, the need to learn new skills and adapt to evolving demands is more significant than ever. 

Upskilling empowers employees to expand their knowledge, enhance their skill sets, and stay relevant. As a result, it benefits not only individuals seeking career advancement but also companies striving to maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Why is Upskilling Needed?

The rapid pace of technological advancements and market disruptions necessitates continuous learning and upskilling. According to the World Economic Forum, it is estimated that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by automation, while 97 million new roles may emerge. Therefore, organizations must invest in upskilling initiatives to meet these changing demands to equip their teams with the necessary skills to thrive in the future workforce.

Additionally, upskilling is crucial for filling skill gaps within teams. According to a survey by LinkedIn, 94% of employees stated that they would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career development. By offering upskilling opportunities, companies can ensure their employees have the expertise to tackle new challenges and drive organizational success.

Benefits of Upskilling Teams

Upskilling teams have become increasingly important in today's dynamic and competitive business landscape. As a result, organizations recognize the need to invest in developing their employees to stay ahead of the curve and drive sustainable growth. The act of upskilling involves acquiring new abilities or improving current ones to keep up with the changing requirements of the workforce. It involves providing training and development opportunities that fill skill gaps and empower employees to reach their full potential. 

Benefits of Upskilling Teams
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  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: Upskilling equips team members with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By investing in continuous learning and upskilling, organizations experience a twenty-one percent improvement in problem-solving capabilities, leading to more effective and efficient solutions.
  • Growth Opportunities for Employees: Upskilling opens doors for career progression and personal growth. Providing clear career paths and upskilling programs improves employee engagement and job satisfaction and helps retain top talent within the organization.
  • Cultivating a Culture of Learning: Efforts to improve skills promote a mindset of ongoing education and development among groups. By investing in their employees' development, organizations are committed to learning and growth, increasing employee motivation and innovation.
  • Increased Employee Productivity: Organizations with comprehensive upskilling programs witness a significant boost in productivity. Companies that invest in training and development have a thirty-seven percent increase in productivity, leading to improved performance and bottom-line results.

10 Reasons Why Upskilling is Important for Your Teams

Reasons Why Upskilling is Important for Your Teams‍
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1. Enhanced Team Performance and Productivity:

Upskilling team members leads to improved performance and productivity. According to a study by the Association for Talent Development, companies that invest in employee training and development have 218% higher revenue per employee and a 24% higher profit margin than those that don't. By upskilling their teams, managers can unlock the full potential of their employees and drive tangible business results.

2. Addressing Skill Gaps:

Managers are crucial in identifying and addressing team skill gaps. A survey conducted by PwC revealed that 74% of CEOs worldwide are concerned about the availability of key skills in their organizations. By implementing upskilling programs, managers can bridge these skill gaps and ensure their teams have the necessary competencies to meet job requirements and adapt to changing demands.

3. Developing Leadership Potential:

Upskilling programs allow managers to develop their teams' leadership potential. According to a report by McKinsey, organizations that excel at leadership development are 2.4 times more likely to be financially outperforming their industry peers. In addition, by investing in upskilling, managers can identify and nurture future leaders, ensuring a strong leadership pipeline for the organization.

4. Improved Problem-solving and Decision-Making:

Upskilling enhances problem-solving and decision-making skills among team members. A study conducted by Accenture found that organizations that invest in continuous learning and upskilling experience a 21% improvement in problem-solving skills. In addition, by equipping their teams with critical thinking abilities and new problem-solving techniques, managers can enhance the overall decision-making capabilities of their teams.

5. Fostering Innovation and Creativity:

Upskilling fosters a culture of learning and innovation within teams. A survey by LinkedIn found that 82% of professionals believe continuous learning enhances their innovation ability. By providing upskilling opportunities, managers encourage team members to explore new ideas, stay abreast of industry trends, and contribute to the organization's innovation efforts.

6. Increased Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction:

Upskilling initiatives demonstrate a commitment to employee growth and development, leading to increased engagement and job satisfaction. A study by Gallup showed that employees who strongly agree that they have opportunities to learn and grow at work are 59% more likely to be engaged. In addition, by investing in upskilling, managers can foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment among their team members.

7. Promoting a Culture of Continuous Learning:

Managers prioritizing upskilling create a culture of continuous learning. According to a survey by LinkedIn, 94% of employees would stay longer at a company that invests in their learning and development. In addition, by fostering a culture that values learning and encourages ongoing skill enhancement, managers can inspire team members to seek new knowledge and proactively stay ahead of industry trends.

8. Adapting to Technological Advancements and Industry Changes:

Upskilling is crucial for teams to adapt to technological advancements and evolving industry trends. A report by the World Economic Forum highlighted that 42% of the core skills required for jobs would change by 2022. Therefore, managers must ensure their teams have the necessary skills to embrace emerging technologies and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

9. Attracting and Retaining Top Talent:

Upskilling opportunities are attractive to top talent seeking professional growth and development. According to LinkedIn's Talent Trends report, 94% of employees say they would stay longer at a company that invests in their career development. Managers can attract high-performing individuals and retain existing talent by providing upskilling initiatives and creating a skilled and motivated workforce.

10. Contributing to Long-term Organizational Success:

Managers prioritizing upskilling contribute to their organization's long-term success. A study by Deloitte revealed that organizations with a strong learning culture are 92% more likely to innovate and 52% more productive. By upskilling their teams, managers create an adaptable workforce capable of driving innovation and well-equipped to navigate future challenges.

Commitment to Upskilling and Reskilling

Organizations must commit to prioritizing training and development to implement upskilling initiatives effectively. This involves creating a supportive environment that encourages continuous learning and provides resources for employees to upskill and reskill. It starts with identifying skill gaps and determining the specific areas where training is needed. Then, by conducting skills assessments and leveraging performance data, organizations can gain insights into the areas that require improvement.

Tailored upskilling programs can be created to fulfill the specific requirements of individuals and teams once their skill gaps are recognized. This may involve internal training, external courses, workshops, mentorship programs, and online learning platforms. In addition, organizations can cater to different learning styles and preferences by offering a range of upskilling opportunities, ensuring maximum engagement and knowledge retention.

Moreover, providing ongoing support and resources to employees throughout their upskilling journey is essential. This includes allocating time for learning, providing access to relevant materials and tools, and offering opportunities for practice and feedback. Managers and leaders are critical in facilitating this process by actively encouraging and promoting upskilling, leading by example, and recognizing and rewarding employees' efforts and achievements.

Regular evaluation and feedback mechanisms should also be established to monitor the effectiveness of upskilling programs. This allows organizations to make adjustments, refine their strategies, and ensure that the upskilling efforts align with the evolving needs of the business. Organizations can make data-driven decisions and optimize their training and development initiatives by continuously evaluating the impact of upskilling.

Top 3 Companies to Upskill Your Teams

1. Edstellar:

Edstellar is an all-in-one platform for instructor-led corporate training, offering various tailored programs across various disciplines. With over 1000 programs, Edstellar simplifies training management through customizable scheduling, trainer selection, and HRMS integration. 


The platform also provides a competency matrix for skill gap analysis and valuable tools for reporting and assessment. Edstellar's comprehensive approach makes it a convenient and effective solution for upskilling your teams.

2. Udemy for Business:

Udemy for Business is a leading online learning platform that offers a vast library of courses for professional development. With thousands of courses covering diverse topics, including technical skills, soft skills, and leadership development, Udemy for Business provides flexibility and accessibility for upskilling your teams. 


Furthermore, the platform provides an interface that is easy to use, enables progress tracking, and issues certificates upon finishing a course. It also allows organizations to curate their learning paths and customize the learning experience for their employees.

3. LinkedIn Learning:

LinkedIn Learning is a popular platform that provides on-demand video courses and tutorials from industry experts. It offers courses in various domains, including technology, business, creative skills, and more. 

LinkedIn Learning

With its integration with LinkedIn profiles, LinkedIn Learning provides personalized recommendations based on users' skill sets and career interests. The platform also offers interactive quizzes, downloadable exercise files, and a Certificate of Completion for each course, making it a valuable resource for upskilling teams.

8 Steps to Plan Out Upskilling Process for Team Members

Planning an upskilling process for your team members is a great way to invest in their professional growth and enhance their skills. Here are eight steps to help you effectively plan the upskilling process:

Steps to Plan Out Upskilling Process for Team Members
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Step 1: Assess the Skills They Inherit

Begin by evaluating the current skills and competencies of your team members. This assessment helps identify the strengths and gaps in your team's existing skill set, providing a baseline for upskilling.

Step 2: Assess the Skills Employees Need Over the Next Five Years

Look forward and identify the skills that will be required in your industry or field over the next five years. This foresight ensures that the upskilling efforts are aligned with future needs and trends, making your team more adaptable and forward-thinking.

Step 3: Ensure Employee Buy-in

Getting your team on board with the upskilling process is crucial. Communicate the benefits of upskilling, such as career growth and job security, to motivate and encourage employee participation and commitment.

Step 4: Set Upskilling Goals for Employees

Define clear, achievable goals for each team member's upskilling journey. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART), tailored to individual learning paths and career aspirations.

Step 5: Determine What Learning Format Works Best for the Employees

Consider your team members' learning styles and preferences to select the most effective training format. Options may include online courses, workshops, seminars, or hands-on training, ensuring the chosen method aligns with the employees' schedules and learning preferences.

Step 6: Design the Program by Partnering with External Training Provider

Collaborate with external training providers to design an upskilling program that meets your needs. This partnership can offer access to specialized courses, expert trainers, and cutting-edge learning materials tailored to your industry's demands.

Step 7: Progress Monitor

Implement a system to regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of your team members throughout the upskilling process. This step involves tracking learning milestones, providing feedback, and adjusting the program to ensure effectiveness and relevance.

Step 8: Match Upskilled Employees with New Opportunities

Once the upskilling process is complete, actively seek opportunities to utilize the newly acquired skills within the organization. This could mean assigning more challenging projects, promoting employees to new roles, or reallocating resources to areas where these skills can have the greatest impact. This step ensures that the investment in upskilling translates into tangible benefits for the employees and the organization.


In conclusion, upskilling is a crucial investment for organizations aiming to stay competitive, adapt to change, and nurture a culture of continuous learning. Managers can unlock their employees' full potential, foster innovation, and achieve lasting success by recognizing the importance of upskilling and committing to their team's growth. 

Discover how Edstellar's all-in-one platform for instructor-led training can help you take the first step toward fostering growth and development. Empower your employees, cultivate a culture of continuous learning, and drive your organization's success in an ever-evolving business landscape. Request a demo, fill out the inquiry form on our website, or contact us at with your specific business requirements. Let's join forces to elevate your organization's training initiatives and embark on continuous growth and success.

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Pete Ford

Pete Ford is a corporate training specialist with over 15 years of experience. His expertise lies in training methodologies, employee engagement, and performance improvement. Pete has a proven track record of developing and implementing effective training programs that enhance employee skills and productivity. His writings provide valuable insights into the world of corporate training, offering readers practical advice on how to design and deliver impactful training programs. His deep understanding of training dynamics makes him a trusted voice in the field.

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