Best Corporate Training Games to Motivate Employees and Foster Collaboration

Pete Ford
Feb 27, 2024
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Best Corporate Training Games to Motivate Employees and Foster Collaboration

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In today's corporate world, 70% of employees report not being completely engaged at work, which directly impacts productivity and profitability. Innovative staff development initiatives are more important than ever. Explore the exciting world of corporate training games in a way that challenges the conventional approach to professional development. According to recent studies, organizations that offer corporate training games earn a 24% larger profit margin than those that spend less on training. This demonstrates the transformational power of incorporating engaging, interactive learning experiences into business training programs.

These games are more than just entertaining; they are an important tool for developing critical abilities in the workplace. Fun corporate training games catalyze individual and group growth by encouraging efficient communication, problem-solving, creativity, and adaptation. These hands-on activities bring team members closer together, strengthening their bonds. They set the stage for a workplace where everyone works better together and feels more connected. These games transform how businesses approach training, releasing unrealized potential and guaranteeing a resilient, forward-thinking staff by embracing the power of play in professional development.

10 Fun Corporate Training Games

10 Fun Corporate Training Games
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1. You Teach Me

While working in teams, it’s natural for your team members to have different perspectives and thoughts on a topic. This game promotes the sharing of this knowledge amongst your team. Through this game, individuals in your team can teach and learn from their peers, creating a dynamic learning environment that fosters professional development and knowledge sharing.

Objective of the Game: To facilitate the sharing of information and knowledge between group members in a structured and engaging manner, participants are broken into smaller groupings and have them each work on different aspects of the curriculum.

How to Play: Initially, divide the attendees into small groups. While dividing, ensure that each group has individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Now, provide each group with training materials relevant to the topic covered in the workshop and allow them to explore the manuals on their own. Working collaboratively, each group will prepare their own slide decks based on their understanding of the training material.

After this, each group shares their findings with the rest of the attendees. Following each presentation, other groups can ask questions, provide feedback, and discuss among themselves, ensuring that everyone benefits from the collective wisdom of the group.

Output of the Game: A culture of sharing knowledge and continual learning within the company, where employees are encouraged to use their knowledge and gain insights from peers regularly.

2. Case Studies Workshop

Case Studies Workshop is an interactive game for corporate training that allows participants to apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Through participating in case studies, participants can observe how the ideas and techniques they've learned during the training sessions can be used in actual scenarios.

Objective of the Game: By analyzing and then presenting the case study, participants are taught how to apply the principles and techniques learned during workshops to address the practical problems they face in their jobs.

How to Play: The best part about playing this corporate training game is that you don’t have to take out separate time just for this game. You can begin by conducting regular training sessions on the chosen topic, then divide the employees into small, diverse groups. Each group is tasked with creating an outline of how they will apply the new knowledge they have acquired to tackle an actual-life scenario (or case study). After preparing their presentations, each group will present its conclusions to the rest of the participants. After each presentation, conduct an open-ended discussion with a slide deck. 

Output of the Game: Improved problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities within the team as participants learn how to apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges.

3. Workplace Trivia

"Workplace Trivia" is a thrilling and engaging corporate training game created for employees to assess their understanding of corporate policies, practices, procedures, history, and culture. It is designed to bring participants together in a competitive and fun atmosphere while also educating them about work.

Objective of the Game: In challenging employees with trivial questions about policies and procedures, history, and the organization's culture, the game is designed to help them understand the company and foster feelings of pride and belonging.

How to Play: Before beginning the game, you must prepare trivia questions covering aspects of the workplace, including company history, values, policies, and key personnel. Divide participants into diverse teams, followed by the questioning rounds. For each correct answer, award points to the team, and to add more elements, add bonus rounds. End the game with a final round of challenging questions and finally, tally up the scores and announce the winning team. Consider incentivizing the top-performing teams to boost morale.

Outputs of the Game: Enhanced camaraderie and teamwork as participants collaborate to answer trivia questions and compete for points.

4. Team Scavenger Hunt

Team scavenger hunts offer an exciting and entertaining way to strengthen connections and increase team communication, whether in-person or virtual. The game adds enthusiasm and camaraderie to team dynamics, encouraging the participants to work together, think strategically and think through problems. Players embark on a thrilling adventure through various activities and games, locating mysteries while solving puzzles and working towards a shared goal within a defined time limit.

Objective of the Game: Beyond the competitive aspect, the game aims to strengthen interpersonal relationships, foster trust, and enhance problem-solving skills within the team.

How to Play: Divide participants into teams, ensuring a mix of personalities, skills, and expertise within each group. Initiate the rules for the scavenger hunt. This includes the time limit for the hunt, hunting space (physical and virtual), and a scoring method. Begin the timer and let teams begin their hunt. Encourage teams to brainstorm, assign responsibilities, and effectively communicate to increase the chances of success.

Teams explore the hunt area by searching for items, solving puzzles, and accomplishing tasks per the set of challenges. When the time limit is up, the teams must gather and add their scores according to the tasks they have completed and their challenges. The winning team will be announced with the highest score.

Outputs of the Game: This game improves team communication and enhances problem-solving skills. It also boosts motivation and encourages positive team dynamics.

5. Virtual Icebreakers

If you have just hired a new person in your organization and are looking for an interactive methodology to introduce them to the team and make them feel comfortable, virtual icebreakers are just the thing for you. We all know collaboration is the key to success, but building trust among people you don’t know can be difficult, and that’s where virtual icebreakers come into play. They are a great way to start your training sessions and meetings with new hires.

Objective of the Game: To make the new employees feel comfortable and develop an environment of trust in the team to boost collaboration.

How to Play: Since this is a virtual interactive activity, you need to choose an appropriate virtual meeting application to ensure the smooth functioning of the activities. This involves understanding the existing applications' pros and cons, including Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and many more. After platform selection, select the activities you will organize during the session. Allow the participants to actively engage in the chosen activities confidently. 

Output of the Game: Virtual Icebreakers provide opportunities for team members to get to know each other on a personal level, building stronger relationships and rapport that can improve collaboration and teamwork in the long run.

6. Describe That

This is an exciting and engaging game created to increase participants' understanding and retention of words and concepts related to the subject of their training. It doesn't matter if they use verbal descriptions, graphic representations, or multimedia presentations. It challenges participants to express their concepts clearly and succinctly while experimenting with different communication techniques.

Objective of the Game: The game promotes cooperation and inspires players to think outside the box, creating a stimulating learning environment that stimulates creativity and a critical mind.

How to Play: Pick a particular aspect of the subject matter you wish to concentrate on. This could be a major idea, concept or process that trainees have to be able to grasp and explain effectively. It is important to encourage participants to employ different media formats to describe their chosen topic, such as written descriptions and explanations, illustrations (such as diagrams or drawings), and multimedia displays (such as videos or slideshows).

You can assign each participant or group a particular medium to work on. Make a time frame for participants to write their descriptions. Each group member or participant will describe the selected topic in the assigned medium. Invite constructive critique and emphasize points of strength to foster continual improvement.

Output of the Game: The game encourages participants to think creatively and experiment with various ways of expressing themselves, fostering innovation and originality.

7. Hear Me Out

"Hear Me Out" is an engaging game carefully designed to improve communication and listening skills in an environment of teamwork. It is based on building trust and establishing rapport between players. This game acts as an avenue for deeper connections and understanding. Through regular dialogues and active engagement, participants begin an adventure toward better communication and stronger relationships with each other.

Objective of the Game: It is designed to develop active listening abilities among the participants, creating a positive environment where everyone's voice is heard and appreciated. The game also aims to improve communication skills by encouraging speech clarity, coherence, and precision.

How to Play: Participants should be in a setting that encourages focused conversations. You should ensure that everyone gets the chance to be involved similarly. Select one participant as the speaker. This person will speak about their thoughts or ideas on a specific subject for a specified time. In this period, the other participants must listen attentively, without interruptions. After the speaker is done, listeners review what they have observed. After the summary, each listener will ask the speaker follow-up questions for clarification or additional information.

When all listeners have given their summary and asked queries, the presenter will have the chance to verify or revise the summaries and answer any questions asked by listeners. The roles should be rotated so that each participant can be simultaneously a speaker and listener.

Output of the Game: Participants build active listening skills, enhancing their ability to be attentively engaged with others' perspectives and thoughts. Employees develop their communication skills through regular dialogue and feedback by learning to communicate their ideas clearly and effectively.

8. What’s My Line?

"What's My Line" is an exciting and interactive game designed to increase the public speaking abilities of participants and the ability to make decisions on the fly. In contrast to traditional presentations, where presenters carefully plan and prepare their presentations, this game forces participants to present impromptu presentations using flimsy slideshow names and bullets. The game encourages presenters to use their imagination and skills in communication instead of relying on prepared content. This makes it an exhilarating experience for both presenters and listeners.

Objective of the Game: By delivering presentations based on misleading slide deck titles and bullet points, participants are challenged to think critically, communicate effectively, and engage their audience.

How to Play: The game starts with the presenter preparing an image slide deck with the title and bullets. The problem is that the bullet points and title aren't related to the actual theme in the slide deck. For instance, it could be "How to Train Your Dragon"; however, the subject may include "The Benefits of Meditation." The presenter gives an address based on the confusing slide deck and then alters the contents of the presentation in real-time. The participants must pay attention to the speaker's presentation and try to figure out the real theme based on the clues given.

Output of the Game: Participants in "What's My Line" develop their ability to speak confidently and effectively in front of an audience, as they are required to deliver impromptu presentations without prior preparation. 

9. Acronym Challenge

Acronym challenges are a fun way to strengthen your subject's concepts, terminology, and knowledge. Incorporating the game into your training can create a setting where your participants are actively involved in absorbing and reviewing important information. Whether you're focused on accounting concepts, industry-specific terminology, or technical terms, the acronym challenge is an engaging and enjoyable method of retaining knowledge.

Objective:  This game encourages participants to recall and articulate the meanings behind specific acronyms relevant to the subject matter. This interactive exercise deepens participants' comprehension, enhances retention, and solidifies their grasp of essential information.

How to Play: Initiate this game by selecting a set of acronyms closely aligned with your training topic. For instance, if your session focuses on computing and coding principles, you might choose acronyms like FIFO, LIFO, etc. Utilize presentation software to create word clouds containing the selected acronyms. Finally, invite the participants to join the game using their devices and prompt them to input their interpretations for displayed acronyms within the designated time frame. Conclude the game by summarizing key insights, highlighting common misconceptions, and encouraging the participants to reflect on their learning experience.

Output of the Game: Participants reinforce their retention of key concepts and terminologies by actively engaging with the acronyms and their meanings.

10. Escape the Room

"Escape the Room" is an immersive and enjoyable corporate training game designed to help participants improve their thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities. It is based on escape room games. The game requires players to cooperate to overcome challenges and "escape" from a virtual room or situation. Simulation of a stressful situation in a controlled setting will encourage players to use their thinking, creativity, and collaborative skills to accomplish the same goal.

Objective of the Game: Through various themed puzzles and challenges, Participants must work together to overcome challenges and eventually "escape" from the virtual area or location within a time frame.

How to Play: The presenter makes an interactive slide deck or interface to set the stage for the event. This includes setting an idea, the storyline, a timer, and the challenges that must be mastered. The participants are taught the concept of the game and the goal of getting out of the virtual environment or circumstance within a set time. The players work together to solve every challenge they are presented with. The challenges could be riddles, puzzles or clues which require players to use their skills, knowledge and resources.

The game ends when players complete each challenge to "escape" from the virtual area or location within the time allotted. A debriefing session can follow to discuss the key lessons learned or insights and areas to be improved upon.

Output of the Game: "Escape the Room" promotes collaboration and teamwork as participants work together to overcome obstacles and achieve a common goal.  

Types of Corporate Training Games

Here are some 5 types of corporate training games that can help in employee professional development: 

1. Interactive Games: Interactive games such as escape rooms and virtual reality (VR) challenges demand active engagement from participants. These games improve collaboration skills, flexibility, and problem-solving abilities. 

2. Visual Games:  Visual games, such as Pictionary and picture scavenger hunts, rely largely on visual clues to convey information or solve problems. This is particularly beneficial in roles requiring simplifying complex data and enhancing team creativity and innovation.

3. Board Games: Board games like Risk, Settlers of Catan, and Codenames require strategic thinking, negotiation, and collaboration. Playing these games improves strategic thinking, planning, and decision-making abilities. 

4. Animated Games: Animated games involve digital simulations and role-playing settings in which players must negotiate various obstacles to achieve specified goals. This practical approach improves learning, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to apply theoretical information in real-life situations.

5. Educational and Training Games: Educational and training games are created with a clear skill improvement or information acquisition objective. They replicate real-world business scenarios that need strategic decisions.

These games contribute to employees' professional development by putting them in the context of their business or specialization and pushing them to use their knowledge in challenging scenarios. 

Benefits of Incorporating Games in Corporate Training

Gamification in corporate learning has several benefits. Here are some of them: 

1. Engagement and Motivation: Incorporating games into corporate training enhances employee engagement and motivation. Game-based learning introduces an element of fun and competition, making the training process more enjoyable and compelling for participants.

2. Skill Development: Interactive training methods give employees a dynamic way to practice and improve various abilities. Training with games enables players to practice and reinforce problem-solving, decision-making, and cooperation skills in a hands-on and engaging manner.

3. Enhanced Retention: Playing corporate training games leads to better information retention since they produce memorable experiences. Because games are engaging and interactive, they assist employees in retaining and applying new information by helping them to apply it to their work.

4. Adaptability and Flexibility: Gamification in corporate learning provides an adaptable learning environment accommodating various learning preferences and styles. This flexibility guarantees that workers of all backgrounds and skill levels can gain from the instruction, encouraging diversity and inclusivity  in the workplace.

5. Team Building: Employee collaboration and friendship are fostered by games. Playing collaborative games promotes teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, strengthening bonds and creating a more unified workplace.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Corporate Training Games

Evaluating the effectiveness of training games in the workplace is essential to maximizing employee growth. Several KPIs, including better application of acquired skills in real-world situations, higher employee engagement, and improved information retention, can be used to assess the effectiveness of these training tools.

1. Knowledge Retention: Assess the participants’ comprehension of the key ideas presented in the training games. Use evaluations or quizzes before and after training to gauge how well knowledge is retained and utilized in real-world situations.

2. Skill Enhancement: Evaluate how training games help people build and hone skills applicable in the workplace. To determine whether the training was beneficial, monitor gains in communication, decision-making, and critical thinking abi666666666666666666666lities.

3. Behavioral Changes: Observe for observable shifts in behavior or performance metrics post-training. This includes changes in work habits and applying newly acquired knowledge and skills to daily tasks.

4. Team Collaboration: Examine how training games affect team dynamics, especially if they have cooperative components. Through project outcomes or team member input, look for improvements in team collaboration, communication, and collective problem-solving skills.

5. Time and Cost Savings: Examine the time and financial savings over more conventional training techniques. Examine whether the training games lead to shorter training sessions, quicker onboarding procedures, or general gains in operational efficiency.

Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Training Games

While integrating corporate training games into professional development strategies can offer numerous benefits, it comes with certain challenges.

Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Training Games
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Here are some challenges in implementing corporate training games: 

1. Challenge: Integration with Existing Systems

Integrating game-based learning into existing training frameworks and technology stacks can pose compatibility issues. To accommodate new training approaches, technological changes and, in certain cases, system upgrades are required to ensure smooth integration.

Solution: Assure smooth integration of corporate training games with the business’s current software and infrastructure to reduce interruptions and improve accessibility. Collaborate closely with IT departments to guarantee that the games connect seamlessly with current systems. 

For a flawless user experience, Learning Management Systems (LMS) and other pertinent platforms are essential. This strategy encourages the training games to be widely adopted while lowering friction.

2. Challenge: Cost and Resource Allocation

Creating customized training games may be costly, and making time for game-based training may appear difficult in busy work schedules. Budget limits and resource prioritization are frequently important challenges.

Solution: Adopting cost-effective solutions, such as open-source gaming platforms or adapting current games, can help to reduce costs. Incorporating short, targeted gaming sessions into established training regimens saves time and money.

3. Challenge: Resistance to Change

Many employees and managers may be suspicious of game-based learning, preferring traditional training approaches since they are more familiar. This resistance is often rooted in misconceptions about the seriousness and effectiveness of games in a professional setting.

Solution: To encourage a favourable attitude toward the new method, implement a thorough change management strategy that resolves concerns, promotes the advantages of training games, and incorporates staff members in the decision-making process.

Fear and uncertainty are common causes of resistance to change. Put into practice a change management plan highlighting the advantages of training games, responding to concerns, and including staff members in decision-making. Establishing a pleasant environment and encouraging the adoption of the new training style is made easier by offering clear communication, training sessions, and continuous assistance.

4. Challenge: Measuring Effectiveness and ROI

Assessing the impact of game-based learning on employee performance and overall corporate outcomes can be difficult. Establishing clear performance indicators and analyzing game-based skills in the workplace are key difficulties.

Solution: Create precise key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the success of training programs and conduct frequent data analysis to prove the ROI and demonstrable advantages to the company.

To prove the worth of training games, it is essential to measure their efficacy. Establish certain KPIs, such as better performance metrics, more staff retention, or stronger problem-solving abilities, that correspond with the training objectives. Analyze the data gathered from these KPIs regularly to demonstrate the observable return on investment and highlight the significance of gamification in corporate training.

5. Challenge: Customization for Diverse Workforces

Addressing a global workforce's different demands and learning preferences with game-based training requires careful adaptation. The difficulty is to provide material that is not only universally accessible but also culturally sensitive and appropriate to varied areas, job functions, and learning styles.

Solution: Provide training games with adaptable and adjustable content to meet the different learning styles and requirements of staff members while guaranteeing that the information is pertinent and appropriate for a range of positions and ability levels.

Individualized training solutions are necessary for a varied workforce. Create training games with content that may be added or removed based on the player’s work roles, abilities, and learning styles. This strategy promotes a more inclusive and productive learning environment by ensuring that the training is pertinent and appropriate to the unique requirements of various employee groups.

Case Study: Cisco Revolutionizes Employee Engagement and Skill Development with Gamification of Training

Background: Cisco, a global leader in IT and networking, recognized the growing importance of social media in its marketing and customer engagement strategies. With a vast array of products and solutions, the company had to ensure its workforce is proficient in leveraging social media tools effectively to enhance brand visibility and interact with clients and consumers.

Challenge: The biggest problem for Cisco in launching its Social Media Training Program was navigating the various courses offered, making it difficult for participants to determine where to start their learning journey. With over 46 courses available, the likelihood of overloading learners was high. Furthermore, convincing employees to give time to training in addition to their current responsibilities was difficult. The program required a structured yet adaptable method to lead employees through their learning, ensuring it was entertaining and relevant to their job tasks.

Solution: Cisco integrated gamification into the Social Media Training Program. The program was structured into three levels of certification; Specialist, Strategist, and Master; each requiring a higher level of social media skill. Four sub-specializations were established to meet specific work requirements. This structure provided a clear framework for employees. Gamification elements such as team challenges and badges were incorporated to make learning more engaging and enjoyable.

These elements aimed to motivate learners, encouraging them to explore social media topics deeply, progress through various learning stages, and collaborate with colleagues, all within a competitive yet supportive framework.

Results: The gamification strategy yielded impressive results, with over 650 individuals achieving certification and participants completing more than 13,000 courses. This significant level of engagement demonstrated the effectiveness of using gamification to enhance participation in training programs. Employees were not only motivated to embark on their training journey but were also guided effectively through a structured learning path that made the vast array of courses feel manageable and purposeful. 

Takeaway: The program's success highlighted the potential of gamification in overcoming engagement and motivation challenges in corporate training environments, setting a precedent for how learning and development initiatives can be designed to maximize participation and skill acquisition.


Are there specific games for developing soft skills versus technical skills?

Several games, like role-playing games or escape rooms, focus on strengthening soft skills like communication, teamwork, and leadership, as well as games like coding challenges and project management simulations improve technical abilities like coding, project management, and data analysis.

How often should you incorporate games into our training programs?

Incorporating games regularly can keep training sessions fresh and engaging. The frequency depends on your training schedule, objectives, and the need for skill reinforcement. Monthly or quarterly games aligned with specific learning goals can effectively maintain engagement and retention.

How do you ensure the games are inclusive and accessible to all employees?

Choosing games that cater to employees with different physical abilities, learning methods, and cultural backgrounds is essential. Furthermore, clear instructions and other techniques to engage can assist in ensuring inclusion. Soliciting input and making changes based on employee experiences can help to improve accessibility.


By converting dry training sessions into interesting, interactive experiences, corporate training games provide a novel and practical way to achieve professional growth. The games above appeal to various ability levels and foster collaboration, creativity, problem-solving, and other traits. By integrating play into the educational process, these activities improve employee engagement and foster soft skill development and team building. The advantages of using games in corporate training are highlighted in the article; these benefits include increased adaptation and retention and the development of a positive work environment. 

If you want to enhance your skills or want to improve your workforce skills, Edstellar has the best programs and courses that will help enhance the work culture and boost productivity.

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Pete Ford

Pete Ford is a corporate training specialist with over 15 years of experience. His expertise lies in training methodologies, employee engagement, and performance improvement. Pete has a proven track record of developing and implementing effective training programs that enhance employee skills and productivity. His writings provide valuable insights into the world of corporate training, offering readers practical advice on how to design and deliver impactful training programs. His deep understanding of training dynamics makes him a trusted voice in the field.

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